The Committee for State Security reported on actions taken to increase preventive-prophylactic work for preventing crimes against the Soviet Union. The Committee cites drops in the number of people subjected to criminal punishment, severe crimes against the state, and anti-Soviet propaganda as results of strengthened morale, political awareness, policies, and preventative and prophylactic work. Attached is a table that numerically presents information in the report.
March 13, 1976
Committee for State Security Report, 'On the Results of Search for Authors of Anti-Soviet Anonymous Documents in 1975'
Special Folder
Committee for State Security (KGB)
Of the Council of Ministers of the USSR
March 13, 1976
No 545
Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
On the Results of Search for Authors of Anti-Soviet Anonymous Documents in 1975
In the year 1975, the Committee for State Security (KGB) of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and its organs have worked on the establishment and exposure of the identities of authors and distributors of anonymous anti-Soviet documents and prevention and putting an end to their criminal and anti-social activity.
Over the course of the year on the territory of the country 10,206 anti-Soviet, ideologically harmful and slanderous anonymous documents were prepared and distributed by 1,629 authors (6,476 pamphlets, 3,255 letters and 475 petitions).
In comparison with the year 1974, the number of authors engaging in such activity was reduced by 24%. The quantity of anonymous documents distributed by them also decreased somewhat. The most noticeable reduction was observed in Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Latvia, Estonia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Bashkir oblast, ChechenIngush oblast, Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Stavropol and Primorie regions, and Volgograd, Perm, Rostov, Saratov, Voronezh, Ivanov and other oblasts.
In comparison with the year 1974, the number of individuals distributing anti-Soviet anonymous documents containing terrorist threats directed at party leaders and the Soviet government was reduced almost twofold (41.4%) (48 instances in 1975 versus 82 in 1974).
In the reported year, the number of cases involving the preparation and distribution of anonymous documents within the ranks of the Soviet Anny and Navy declined significantly. In addition, there was a similar reduction in such instances among individuals interned at corrective labor camps.
Along with that, some increase in the amount of letters containing threats of physical violence directed at local Soviet party assets and officials was noticed. There was an especially large number of such displays in Moldova (48% of all anonymous documents distributed in the Republic contained such threats), and also in Ukraine.
As in the past years, in 1975 the general volume of anonymous anti-Soviet documents prepared with the use of copying technology (typographic print, photocopiers, templates, etc.) continues to grow. Such cases were observed in Moscow, Leningrad, Riga, Sverdlovsk and several other major industrial and administrative centers.
In the pamphlets and other anonymous documents addressed to local party and government organs, public organizations, newspapers and magazines, the slanderous and anti-Soviet fabrications closely coincided with a series of negative incidents taking place both in our country and abroad. A few of the documents contained demands to lower prices on food and industrial products, to raise salaries and pensions, etc.
Seeking to give their hostile activity an organized character and create an appearance of “massiveness,” groups of criminals, as before, adorned their pamphlets and letters with the names of apparently illegally existing "parties," "committees," "unions," "groups," etc. (Party of Fairness of the Soviet People, Russian National-Democratic Party, Democratic People's Party, Underground Committee of Workers and Peasants, Union of Free Youth, Organization of Servicemen, Group of Young Members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and so on).
The measures taken by the national security agencies in 1975 uncovered the identities of 1,277 authors, who distributed 6,602 anti-Soviet, politically harmful and slanderous documents (3,210 pamphlets, 3,045 letters, 347 petitions). Among those detained were 37 authors, who prepared hostile documents with terrorist threats directed at the leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet government. An additional 126 made threats of physical violence addressed at representatives of local party and Soviet assets and officials.
In carrying out the operative-investigative projects in 1975, the KGB uncovered and prevented criminal activity of 53 hostile nationalistic and anti-social groups with 182 participants (in 1974 there were 74 established groups with 222 participants), primarily consisting of youth under the age of 30. The largest number of groups was exposed in Ukraine (18 of the 51 groups).
The following socio-economic characteristics were typical of the exposed authors: unskilled workers (336 – 26.3%), government employees including engineering-technical workers (244 – 19.1%), collective farmers (34 – 2.6%), college students (63 – 4.9%),
high school and trade school students (219 – 17.l%), servicemen (20 - 1.5%), pensioners
(197 – 15.4%), and unemployed individuals and prisoners (164 – 12.8%).
Out of the number of exposed authors, 143 (11.1%) had in the past been convicted of especially dangerous crimes against the state.
The uncovered anonymous authors had the following education: 534 – primary, 531 secondary and 212 higher [education].
It was discovered that 119 [of them] were candidates and members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and 168 members of the Komsomol.
For example, among the exposed authors of anonymous documents, the KGB discovered V .V. Brede, who was born in 1919, an ethnic Russian, a member of the Communist Party of the USSR, has a higher education, and a Captain of the 1st rank, a senior instructor at the V.I. Lenin Military-Technical Academy, an assistant professor and doctoral candidate of military history. In 1974-75, in the name of the workers, he sent an anonymous letter from Moscow to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the magazine Communist of the Armed Forces of the USSR. In that letter, he slandered Soviet life, demanded to distribute arms to Soviet officers and leveled insults and terrorist threats against leaders of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the Soviet government.
By order of the Chief of the Main Political Department of the Soviet Army and Navy, the political organs of the Academy concluded that the documents' author was Brede. For anti-party activities he was expelled from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and dismissed from the ranks of the Soviet Army.
An analysis of the reasons and motives for the preparation and distribution of anonymous anti-Soviet documents shows that 332 people, or 25.9%, went down the criminal path due to political immaturity and delusion, 164 (12.8%) due to mercenary and other selfish goals, 112 (8.7%) out of thuggish and other amoral persuasions, 36 (2.8%) because of material and other difficulties, 109 (8.5%) under the influence of anti-Soviet foreign radio broadcasts and other forms of ideological diversion and 162-due to mental illness (12.6%).
In addition, it was revealed that 59 people, or 4.6%, prepared anonymous anti-Soviet documents in connection with their hostile convictions and 33 (2.5%) on nationalistic grounds.
After establishing the goals and motives of the anonymously produced hostile works, and also taking into account the extent of their social danger, 715 people were subjected to prophylactics, 135 of whom were taken for further operative inspection and investigative work, and additional 76 (95 in 1974) were charged with criminal offenses.
The organs of the KGB, in addition to stepping up the search for the anonymous authors, also examined the causes and conditions under which individuals prepared and distributed anti-Soviet documents, systematically informed party organs of this activity, and undertook the necessary preventive measures using mass media (print, radio, film, television etc.) in order to expose criminal plots of the dissidents and create around them a situation of intolerance and public condemnation.
At the present time, the organs of the KGB are searching for authors who distributed around 10,000 pamphlets, which mainly contained slander of the communist party of the Soviet Union, the governmental and social system of the USSR, the national pol icy of the party and incitements to violence against communists in major cities. The pamphlets also condemned party loyalty and called for organization of strikes, protests and other anti-social activities.
As of January 1, 1976, the state security organs have issued warrants for the arrest of 964 individuals, who in 1975 distributed in excess of 14,000 anti-Soviet anonymous documents.
In 1976, the KGB and its subordinate organs have taken measures for the longterm increase in the effectiveness of investigations of the authors of anonymous antiSoviet documents.
Chairman of the KGB [Signature]
Yuri Andropov
The Committee for State Security reported on results in exposing authors and distributors of anti-Soviet propaganda during 1975. In comparison with results from 1974, the number of authors writing, distributing, and preparing these anti-Soviet documents was overall reduced, but due to copying technology, the volume of documents has grown.
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