March 13, 1979
Diplomatic Note of the Afghan Embassy in Sofia
13 March 1979
To the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of People’s Republic of Bulgaria
The Embassy of D[emocratic] R[epublic of] Afghanistan in Sofia has the honor to inform about the persons, who are not returning to their homeland. They are dismissed from diplomatic work and by the government’ decision their diplomatic passports have to be considered as invalid. We are requesting any application for a visa from their part to be rejected. Furthermore we are requesting this decision of the Afghan government to be forwarded to all Bulgarian diplomatic missions abroad.
Please find next the list of mentioned above persons, which citizenship is rejected:
- Dr. Mahamad Rahim Sherazui – former Ambassador in Czechoslovakia;
- Hamidula Enayat Serdajh – former Ambassador in India;
- Eng. Bashir Ahmad Ludin – former Ambassador in Federal Republic of Germany;
- Dr. Abdul Vahed Karim – former Ambassador in Washington;
- Abdulla Maliqiar – former Ambassador in Iran;
- Mohhamad Jussuf Meherdal – former Ambassador in Saudi Arabia;
- Babrak Karmal – former Ambassador in Czechoslovakia;
- Nur Mohammad Nur – former Ambassador in the USA;
- Dr. Anahita Rotebzad – former Ambassador in Yugoslavia;
- Abdul Wakil – former Ambassador in London;
- Mahmud Barakyal – former Ambassador in Pakistan;
- Dr. Nadjib – former Ambassador in Iran;
- Halilula Halili – former Ambassador in Iraq;
- Zalmay Mahmud Gazi – former Ambassador in Egypt;
- Mohammad Hakim Sarboland – former Consul General in Karachi;
- Golam Faruk Torabaz – former Counselor in Washington;
- Dr. Sadulla Gausi – former Counselor in Japan;
- Poyanda Mohammad Kushani – former Counselor in India;
- Mohhamad Faruk Farhang – former Counselor in Iran;
- Mohammad Ali Amir – former Counselor in Federal Republic of Germany;
- Nazar Mohammad Azizi – former Counselor in Italy;
- Valid Etemadi – former I Secretary in Paris;
- Mohammad Atila Acefi – former I Secretary in Poland;
- Mohammad Ali Suleyman - former II Secretary in the USA;
- Mohhamad Omar Malequiar – former II Secretary in the USA;
- Abdul Hadi Vaydi – former II Secretary in London;
- Mohammad Akmal Rani – former II Secretary in Iran;
- Ruhula Tarzi – former II Secretary in Pakistan;
- Abdulla Bahar – former II Secretary in Czechoslovakia;
- Abdulla Laamir – former III Secretary in Pakistan;
- Mohammad Junus Farman – former attaché in Washington;
- Homajunshah Acifi – former attache in Federal Republic of Germany;
- Enajatolla Madani – former attache in India;
- Dr. Nangjalay Tarzi – official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Afghan Embassy in Sofia
The Afghan embassy in Sofia submits a list of diplomatic personnel who have been dismissed and had their diplomatic passports revoked.
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