A list of instructions from the Politburo to the delegation to the 22nd General Assembly.
September 5, 1968
Draft of the Resolution on the Issue of Concluding a Convention on Prohibiting the Use of Nuclear Weapons
This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)
Attachment I[1]
Draft of the Resolution on the Issue of Concluding a Convention on Prohibiting the Use of Nuclear Weapons
The General Assembly,
Recalling the Declaration on prohibition on the use of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons, contained in Resolution 1653 (XVI) from 24 November 1961,
Confirming its conviction expressed in Resolution 2164 (XXI) from 5 December 1966 that signing a convention on the prohibition the use of nuclear and thermonuclear weapons to a significant degree would ease negotiations on a general and complete disarmament under effective international monitoring and would appear to be a further stimulus for to the search for a solution the urgent issue of nuclear disarmament,
Noting that from the time of accepting Resolution 2289 (XXII) from 8 December 1967, in which the need was emphasized to expeditiously continue study of the issue of prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons and on the conclusion of a corresponding international convention, States have the capability to conduct such a study,
Considering it necessary, taking into account the evolving international situation, apply new efforts towards the goals of expedition resolution of the issue on prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons,
1. Express its conviction that the issue on prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons and on concluding a corresponding international convention has an urgent character;
2. Call on all states, in this regard, to undertake steps for the expeditious positive resolution of the issue on prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons;
3. Ask that the Committee of 18 States on Disarmament discuss the draft of the convention on prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons, proposed by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (A/6834), and other proposals which might be made on this issue, and present a report on examination of this issue at the XXIII session of the UN General Assembly.
[1] Translator’s Note: The following information is extracted from Protocol No. 99 of the CPSU CC Politburo meeting, finalized on 5 September1968 and covering numerous resolutions made during 3 to 5 September 1968. A number of decisions were made during the meeting and listed in numbered points. Point VI was for a decision made on 5 September 1968
Draft resolution asking for the member states of the 18 Nation Committee on Disarmament to consider a positive resolution of the issue on prohibiting the use of nuclear weapons.
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