October 31, 1956
Draft telegram to Italian Communist Leader Palmiro Togliatti
Workers of the World, Unite!
Top Secret
Communist Party of the Soviet Union
No P 49/69
To Comrade Shepilov (M[inistry] of F[oreign] A[ffairs]) and to Comrade Vinogradov Extract from Minutes No. 49, taken at the October 31, 1956 meeting of the Presidium of the CC
Draft of a telegram to be sent to Comrade Togliatti,
The CC approves the attached text of a telegram to be sent to Comrade Togliatti in con-nection with the Hungarian situation.
Secretary of the CC
To Paragraph 69 of Minutes No. 49
Top Secret
In your evaluation of the situation in Hungary and of the tendencies of development of the Hungarian Government toward a reactionary development, we are in agreement with you. According to our information, Nagy is occupying a two-faced position and is falling more and more under the influence of the reactionary forces. For the time being we are not speaking out openly against Nagy, but we will not reconcile ourselves with the turn of events toward a reactionary debaucher
Your friendly warnings regarding the possibility of the weakening of the unity of the collective leadership of our party have no basis. We can firmly assure you that in the complex interna-tional situation our collective leadership unanimously [yedinodushno] evaluates the situation and unanimously takes appropriate decisions.
Draft telegram from the CPSU CC to Italian Communist Leader Palmiro Togliatti on the Soviet leadership's position on the situation in Hungary.
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