February 16, 1962
On the Extradition of North Koreans from China
This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification
[SED Central Committee
Department of International Relations
SAPMO-BA, archival signature missing]
GDR Embassy in DPRK
Pyongyang, 16 February 1962
As Comrade Kohousek, Ambassador of Czechoslovakia, informed, the Chinese government has now extradited to the DPRK security organs the 4 former members of the KWP Central Committee who in 1956 had been unmasked as enemies of the party and emigrated to China.
K[urt] Schneidewind
1x Comrade Florin
1x Comrade Schwab
A report on the Chinese government extradition of four North Koreans who were former members of the Korean Workers' Party Central Committee
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