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September 3, 1962

General-Colonel S.P. Ivanov, 'Reference Report on Sending Units for the "Andyr" Operation'

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[handwritten document]



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Of special importance



Reference Report

on sending units for the “Anadyr’” operation in September-October 1962


In connection with the requirement to end shipments for the “Anadyr’” operation by 1 November 1962 and the additional dispatch of combat equipment (an air squadron of Il-28 delivery aircraft, three Luna battalions, a PRTB, and support units) a revised and condensed schedule is presented for the loading and dispatch of units for September and October for operation “Anadyr’”.

The revised schedule provides for:

- the additional allocation in September of 5 ships to send an air squadron of Il-28 aircraft, three Luna battalions, a PRTB, and their support units and 2 ships to transport the special fuel (one ship in September, the second ship in October);

- the front of loading missile units is expanding – the loading will be done at three ports (Baltiysk, Nikolayev, and Sevastopol’) instead of the two ports (Nikolayev, Sevastopol’) previously planned;

- the timeframes for loading a majority of the ships are being reduced from 6 to 4 days;

- the timeframes for the unloading of the ships at the destination port are being reduced.

The arrivals of the transport ship at the destination ports have been planned [to be] by 1 November of this year, and only two transports, “Kasimov” and “Krasnograd”, with a missile battalion of the 668th missile regiment, will arrive at the destination on 3 and 5 November.



S. P. Ivanov

[signature] Shibanov

[translator’s note: although the document is in the name of S.P. Ivanov, the signatory is Shibanov.]

3 September 1962


Reported to the Minister of Defense in the presence of the Chief of the General Staff and the Chief of the Main Operations Directorate. 27 September.

[signature] Shibanov

This report provides a revised schedule for the arrival of Soviet ships to Cuba that allows for the additional dispatch of combat equipment. 

Document Information


TsAMO fond 1, opis 14041cc, delo 1, l. 168. Contributed by Sergey Radchenko and Vladislav Zubok and translated by Gary Goldberg.


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Top Secret


Blavatnik Family Foundation