June 10, 1944
Harriman's brief impressions on Stalin Meeting
Conversation June 10, 1944
The Kremlin
Present: The American Ambassador, Mr. Harriman
Marshal Stalin
Mr. Molotov
Mr. Page, Second Secretary of Embassy
Mr. Pavlov, Secretary to Mr. Molotov
Subject: Message from the President
I said that the President had asked me to pay to Marshal Stalin his respects and to say that he was very gratified at the progress which had been made in all aspects of Soviet-American relations. The Marshal replied that he also was gratified and that “We are going along a good road.”
The entire conversation, which is described in a series of seven memoranda*, lasted about two hours. The Marshal looked well but appeared tired before the talk was over.
*Subjects: Message from the President.
Future meeting between the President
and Marshal Stalin.
The Military Situation.
Shuttle Bombing Bases.
The Far East.
[Copy illegible State
No copy to Embassy
Harriman briefs the President on his impressions of a meeting with Stalin. Seven specific memos to follow.
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