September 22, 1950
Information about the North Korean Workers Party Central Committee Meeting
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
Nº 79
Telegram from the Soviet ambassador to the DPRK to the first deputy minister of foreign affairs with information about the North Korean Workers Party CC meeting
Nº 1258 22 September 1950 2030*
On 21 September 1950 I was visited by Labor Party CC Secretary Heo Gai [Ho Ka I](a Soviet Korean).
At the beginning of the conversation he said that he wished to inform me of the Party political council meeting held on 21 September 1950.
The issue of what reply to give to the Chinese comrades in response to Zhou Enlai's inquiry was discussed at this meeting for two and a half hours: the Chinese government's proposal to the Korean government in connection with the situation which has developed.
Kim Il Sung read a report from his Ambassador, Ri Ju-yeon [Ri Ju Yon], about a conversation with Zhou Enlai and asked the opinion of the members of the political council.
Those who spoke, Pak Heon-yeong [Pak Hon Yong], Kim Du-bong [Kim Du Bong], Pak Il-u [Pak Il U], came to the common opinion that the situation is serious and evidently they cannot cope with the American troops with their own forces, therefore they came to the conclusion to ask the Chinese government to send their troops to Korea.
Afterwards Kim Il Sung spoke and said how can this be, for we thought that we have many people and will be able to cope [with the Americans] with our own forces. The Soviet Union has given us as many weapons as we requested. What are the reasons for turning to the Chinese for aid [?]
Then Kim Il Sung raised the issue of what the consequences might be after the Chinese enter the war on the side of the Koreans. What if this led to a third world war [?]
Kim Il Sung then, supposedly referring to Mao Zedong, said that China is not constrained [svyazan] by international treaties and is not a member of the UN, and this might help.
Then Kim Il Sung supposedly said that, although the Soviet Union and China do not want to start a third world war because of Korea, but inasmuch as Korea is an important strategic point, as the American imperialists tell it, he thinks that the Soviet Union and China will not allow the Americans to occupy Korea completely.
He suggested not to decide to turn to the Chinese government for aid for the time being, but to write a letter to Cde. Stalin and ask his advice as to whether to turn to the Chinese for aid with troops. He allegedly stressed at the same time that the Soviet Union might be offended that its aid and advisers were sort of insufficient.
Kim Il Sung then said that if we had time we could speed up the formation of new units and then it would not be necessary to turn to the Chinese. But they are afraid that there will not be enough time.
No decision was made as a result of the discussion.
In conclusion, Heo Gai asked what my opinion was on this issue.
I declined to discuss this issue.
In my opinion, Heo Gai came to inform me at the instruction of Kim Il Sung with the goal of finding out my opinion himself.
Printed from: TsAMO RF F. 5. Op. 918795. D. 125, pp. 89-91. Copy.
* Time of printing
Heo Gai discusses the possibilities of North Korea's turning to the Soviet Union and China for military support.
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