April 11, 1960
Journal of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A.M. Puzanov for 11 April 1960
This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification
MFA stamp: Copy Nº 3
Nº 70 0832s
2[0] April 1960 22 April 1960]
[Handwritten notations:
to [[illegible name] and
G. Ye. Samsonov]
of Soviet Ambassador in the DPRK A. M. Puzanov for the period
25 March through 11 April 1960
11 April 1960
I received General Leo Samet, member of the Neutral National Supervisory Commission from Poland, in connection with his departure for his homeland.
In the conversation which took place Samet said that at the present time relations between members of the Commission from the socialist countries (Poland and Czechoslovakia) and the capitalist countries (Sweden and Switzerland) are completely normal. The representatives of Sweden and Switzerland do not raise the issue, as was done a year and a half ago, of the advisability of the work of the Neutral National Supervisory Commission. But essentially there is no work. The representatives of Sweden and Switzerland exhibit great interest in everything happening in the DPRK, note the great development of industry, and the considerable scale of housing and cultural construction in contrast to the South of Korea. They would accept an invitation to visit Pyongyang or other DPRK cities to become familiar with the construction. However, said Samet, for some reason the Korean friends do not consider it possible to invite or familiarize the representatives of Sweden and Switzerland with the construction of the capital or other cities, industrial enterprises, and cultural institutions. The Chinese friends seek such events very eagerly and last year at the request of Commission members from Sweden they were afforded an opportunity to even visit some KPA military units. Samet then said that at the present time the representatives of Poland and Czechoslovakia have no meetings with US representatives, not even protocol or other meetings. However, through the Commission members from Sweden and Switzerland we know that the US representative is in favor of establishing at least protocol meetings. Possibly this will be in some measure done in connection with the arrival of the new US representative. Samet spoke in favor of establishing ties with the US representative. He then added that Commission members from Sweden and Switzerland have meetings with members of the Military Armistice Commission from the DPRK and China.
Five copies printed
1st - to Cde. A. A. Gromyko
2nd - to Cde. Yu. V. Andropov
3rd - to the USSR MFA DVO
4th - to Cde. I. I. Tugarinov
5th - to file
Nº 241 12 April 1960
Drafted by Puzanov
Typed. at.
General Leo Samet describes how members of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission are interested in visiting the DPRK.
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