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August 24, 1982

Letter, Oskar Fischer to Erich Honecker

This document was made possible with support from The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars

Council of Minister of the German Democratic Republic

The Minister for Foreign Affairs

Berlin, 24 August 1982

                                                                        [Handwritten on top:]

                                                                        Comrade Fischer


                                                                        E. Honecker

                                                                        24. 8. 82

Dear Comrade Honecker!

During a talk by our ambassador in Beirut with a representative from the Political Department of the PLO, Yasser Arafat did convey greetings to you personally and forwarded his thanks to the entire [SED] party leadership for the solidarity demonstrated to the PLO. He requested that the GDR would accept an additional 40 wounded fighters and civilians from the PLO.

I am suggesting to accept Yasser Arafat’s request and to task the Solidarity Committee of the GDR with implementing the necessary measures.

I am asking for your approval.

With socialist greetings

[handwritten signature]

 Oskar Fischer

Fischer forwards greetings and thanks from Arafat, as well as Arafat's request that 40 wounded soldiers and civilians be accepted by the GDR. Fischer proposes to fulfill Arafat's appeal.


Document Information


PA AA MfAA, ZR 1898/86. Translated by Bernd Schaefer.


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The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars