January 6, 1985
Letter from the President of British Committee For Supporting Korea’s Reunification to the President of International Olympic Committee (IOC).
General Secretary: Granville V. Stone President: William Wilson, D.L.
Literature Secretary: Esme Stone Vice Presidents: Revd. B. Fielding-Carke, M.A., B.D., John Newell, Dafydd E. Thomas, M.P., Hugh McCartney, M.P., Bob Parry, M.P., John Maynard, M.P., Stan Newens, M.E.P.
Monsieur Samaranch,
President du Comite Olympique International,
Chateau de Vidi,
CH 1007 Lausanne,
January 6, 1985,
Dear sir,
We would like to appeal to you to consider the re-sitting of the 1988 Olympic Games from Seoul to a more suitable place.
The authorities in Seoul intend to use the Games to further their aim of the complete division of Korea, against the ideals of the Olympiad they will make political capital from the Games. Korea is on the verge of war as a result of the actions of these people who are persecuting their own people at this very moment!
Many other nations are prepared to host the Olympic Games and we hope sincerely that you will choose one of these.
Yours Sincerely,
Granville V. Stone (Secrertary) William Wilson D.L., (President).
A letter from the British Committee For Supporting Korea's Unification, a pro-DPRK group, urging the IOC to move the 1988 Summer Olympics out of Seoul and to another country.
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