June 20, 1962
List of Troops and Commanders to take part in Operation "Anadyr"
Top Secret
Special Importance
In One Copy
Of the Organization of the Group of Soviet Forces for "Anadyr"
Commander of the
Group of Soviet Forces
General of the Army I.A. Pliyev
(133 pers.)
Lt. Gen. V.V. Akhindinov
Operational Directorate
(22 pers.)
Col. N.A. Ivanov
(11 pers.)
(11 pers.)
(6 pers.)
Cartographic and Geodosy
(9 pers.)
Meteorological Service
(8 pers.)
Sixth Section [unidentified]
(4 pers.)
Personnel and Records
(7 pers.)
Eighth Section [unidentified]
(13 pers.)
First-Deputy—Lt. Gen. Of Av. P.B. Dankevich
For Naval Affairs—Vice Adm. G.S. Abashvili
For Air Defense—Lt. Gen Av. S.N. Grechko
For the Air Forces--Col. Gen. Av. V.I. Davidkov
For Special [nuclear] Armaments—[blank]
For Combat Training-- Maj. Gen. L.S. Garbuz
For the Rear Services--Maj. Gen.N.R. Pilipenko
Deputy—Maj. Gen.
Tech. Trps. A.A.
Missile Forces (RV)
43rd Missile Division
665th Missile Regiment (R-14 with PRTB)
668th Missile Regiment (R-14 with PRTB)
79th Missile Regiment (R-12 with PRTB)
181st Missile Regiment (R-12 with PRTB)
664th Missile Regiment (R-12 with PRTB)
(Eight launchers per regiment)
Air Defense Forces (PVO)
11th Antiaircraft Division
16th Antiaircraft Regiment
276th Antiaircraft Regiment
500th Antiaircraft Regiment
4 battalions in each AA Regiment [Trans: 6 launchers in each battalion]
Separate Radar Battalion10th Antiaircraft Division
294th Antiaircraft Regiment
318th Antiaircraft Regiment
466th Antiaircraft Regiment
32nd Fighter Aviation Regiment
40 MiG-21s
Separate Radar Battalion
Air Forces (VVS)
561st FKR (Frontal Cruise Missile) Regiment
584th FKR Regiment
Each regiment with 8 launchers and PRTB
437th Separate Helicopter Regiment
33 Mi-4 helicopters
134 Separate Aviation Communications Squadron 11 aircraft
Ground Forces (SV)
302nd Separate Motorized Rifle Regiment
314th Separate Motorized Rifle Regiment
400th Separate Motorized Rifle Regiment
496th Separate Motorized Rifle Regiment
Naval Forces (VMF)
Submarine Squadron
18th Missile Submarine Division
7 submarines
211th Submarine Brigade
4 submarines
Two submarine tenders (floating support bases)
Surface Ship Squadron
2 cruisers, 2 missile destroyers, 2 destroyers
Missile Patrol Boat Brigade
12 missile patrol boats (cutters)
Sopka Missile Regiment [coastal defense cruise missile]
6 launchers
Aviation Mine-Torpedo Regiment
33 IL-28 aircraft
[Trans: Includes 3 trainers]
Detachment of Support Ships
2 tankers
2 dry cargo ships
1 floating repair ship
Rear Services
Field Bakery Factory
Hospitals (3 at 200 beds each)
Sanitary-antiepidemiological detachment
Company to service entry to the bases
Food storage stocks (2)
Missile and aviation fuel stations (2)
Fuel oil for the Navy (2)
Chief of the Main Operations Directorate of the General Staff
Colonel General S.P. Ivanov [signature]
20 June 1962
A description of the staff and crew of the Soviet Operation "Anadyr."
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