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July 10, 1968

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Political Affairs, Disarmament, 'Note: The treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)





Paris, July 10, 1968




s.a.: the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons


The General Meeting of the United Nations resumed its XXII session on April 24, 1968, in order to examine the report of the Eighteen-Nation Committee [on Disarmament] (ENDC) (cf. note from the Disarmament Service of April 3, 1968) which it had, by a resolution of 19 December 1967, appointed to resume the study of the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.

This report, filed on March 15, 1968, contained, in addition to the final draft of the treaty as the Americans and the Soviets had just drawn it up, various declarations and suggested amendments formulated by the other members of the Committee with regard to this text which was not met with the unanimity desired by its authors. Also annexed to the report of the Eighteen [ENDC] was a draft Security Council resolution drawn up by Washington and Moscow with a view to responding to the concerns expressed by the non-nuclear-weapon States with regard to their protection against aggression or threats of aggression with nuclear weapons. (This question is the subject of a separate note).

Despite the continual criticism of certain non-nuclear States vis-à-vis the draft treaty, the delegations of the United States and the Soviet Union presented, as soon as the New York debates resumed, a draft resolution according to which the general meeting “approved” the text of the treaty submitted at the meeting and purely and simply recommended its signature.

The draft resolution, sponsored from the outset by 20 States, was submitted to the Political Committee, which opened for debate on 26 April. The representatives of the United States and the U.S.S.R., who did not fail to underline the sacrifices made, according to them, from the points of view of the non-nuclear States, asked the latter to approve the draft resolution, and in consequence, to approve the text of the treaty annexed to the report of the [ENDC], without looking for, to quote Mr. Goldberg’s expression, “a perfection which is not of this world”[a]

For more than a month, however, ensuing interventions made it possible to identify the main currents of opinion that had coalesced on the question of non-proliferation. They showed that opposition had eroded when compared to that which had manifested itself during the first session, from October to December 1967.

Alone of all the States belonging to the two great alliances, Italy and Romania still pointed out with some vigor to the insufficiencies of the treaty. Among the other European states, Albania, entirely won over to the Chinese point of view, condemned the very principle of the treaty; Sweden took up the criticisms it had already formulated in Geneva; Spain expressed reservations, while Yugoslavia, although it always seemed attracted by the theses developed in Bucharest, showed little eagerness to support them at the meeting.

The Chinese problem was clearly at the center of the national concerns of the delegates from the Asian States. And specifically, it prompted Pakistan, Burma and Nepal to display a circumspect attitude towards the draft treaty; India stood by, as might be expected, the positions it had stated in Geneva and, without questioning the principle of non-proliferation, declared the American-Soviet draft treaty insufficient and demanded a new study of the question.

The Latin Americans, under strong pressure from Washington, showed themselves to be keen to reconcile the commitments that were being asked of them and those they had already made last year by signing the treaty denuclearizing Latin America. Brazil and Argentina had indicated at the time their intention to stick very close to the terms of this treaty which seemed to authorize its signatories to manufacture and use nuclear explosives for peaceful purposes, so they expressed their hostility toward the prohibitions formally set out on this point by the draft non-proliferation treaty.

The most important core of resistance, however, would unexpectedly develop among the states of black Africa. The reason for this must be sought in the dissatisfaction these states felt at the attitude displayed by the great powers in the matter of the [UN] mandate over South West Africa. With the exception of Nigeria, no doubt because of its internal situation, almost all of the English-speaking and French-speaking States requested that the discussion be postponed until the next session of the General meeting, after the holding of the conference of non-nuclear states scheduled for the end of August 1968.

Among the Arab States, only Mauritania, paying more attention than any other to the reactions of the States of Black Africa, and Algeria, which denounced the establishment of a nuclear monopoly by the great powers, expressed their opposition to the project, while the U.A.R., far from reprising the critical attitude it had displayed in Geneva, had to, just like Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and then Sudan and Yemen, sponsor the American-Soviet draft resolution.

            Americans and Soviets estimated that the oppositions met were still too strong to enable them to achieve the near unanimity they wished for. They accepted, on May 3, that the draft be reviewed, according to a suggestion from Italy, in order to allow a possible modification to the draft treaty that they had written. A second revision[b], happening on May 28, smoothed on the other hand the imperative nature of the resolution; moreover, a new paragraph emphasized the need for all states to make progress on disarmament and to abstain from using force while another referred to the principles of freedom and of cooperation in the matter of peaceful use of nuclear energy.

            Subsequently, the Americans and the Soviets, approving suggestions presented by various delegations of non-nuclear States, in particular that of Mexico, made, on May 31 to the draft treaty itself, modifications which, without altering its substance, echoed some of the concerns expressed by a large proportion of non-nuclear states.[c]

The last paragraph of the preamble was finished with a sentence specifying the intention of the signatories to “achieve at the earliest possible date” the cessation of the nuclear arms race and also disarmament in this domain. A new paragraph also recalls the need of the States to refrain, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, “from the threat or use of force” and that “the establishment and maintenance of international peace and security are to be promoted.” By adding this, the Americans and the Soviets wanted to take into account the criticism leveled against their draft treaty for not reproducing the provisions on these points contained in Article 2 of the United Nations Charter.    

            The paragraph 2 of the article IV, which addresses peaceful uses of nuclear energy, is, on the other hand, amended; the new redaction insists on the development of cooperation in this area. It provides for the exchange, not only of scientific and technological information, but also equipment and materials; it refers, also, to the needs of the developing regions of the world.

            The article V, which deals with access to nuclear explosions for pacific purposes, now put emphasis on the creation of an international body intended to serve as an intermediary between nuclear and non-nuclear signatories of the treaty for their implementation; it provides for the opening of negotiations to this effect as soon as possible after the entry into force of the treaty.

And finally, the paragraph 2 of article IX, concerning the ratification of the treaty, designates the governments of the USSR, Great Britain and the United States as depositaries of the treaty.

Although these concessions were more apparent than real, they served as a pretext for a certain number of delegations, subject to strong Soviet and American pressure, to join the draft resolution as revised.

After Mr. GOLDBERG and KUZNETSOV, in a final declaration, underlined the spirit of conciliation between their governments, the representative of Italy set an example by stepping forward as a co-author of the draft resolution and recommending the signing of the treaty, which will quickly find itself sponsored by 46 delegations. Among the number of those recorded in extremis as rallying behind [the amended treaty], one could note, in particular, Romania.

The group of Black Africa States, in itself, was divided:

13 States, among which Kenya, Ghana, Senegal, Madagascar, and Congo-Kinshasa joined Nigeria and Ethiopia who, from the start had supported the Soviet-American draft treaty, whereas 12 persisted in their intention to abstain.    

            At the end of the Political Committee's debates, the draft resolution received 92 votes on June 10, 4 delegations voting having voted against (Cuba, Albania, Tanzania and Zambia[d]), while 22 abstained (France, Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Brazil, Algeria, Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, Burundi, Sierra Leone, Rwanda, Uganda, Malawi, Gabon, Congo-Brazzaville, Chad, R.C.A., Niger, Saudi Arabia, India and Burma).       

            Moscow and Washington further improved this result in the General Assembly where, on June 12, the number of votes in favor went from 92 to 95 (Tchad abandoning the side of the abstentionists, while Cameroon and Costa Rica, who did not participate in the vote in the committee, this time brought their support behind the draft treaty).

            France, for its part, stepped aside of the discussion in the Political Committee, in conformity with the choice made toward the matter of non-proliferation from the outset.           

            Mr. Armand BERARD, speaking on June 12 in front of the General Assembly, reiterated the reasons why France will not sign the non-proliferation treaty. He emphasized that, for France, the real issue was that of effective nuclear disarmament and in accordance with this announced that his delegation would abstain in the vote on the resolution recommending the adoption of the treaty. He specified, however, that we intended neither to condemn nor to advise the signing of this instrument and that as far as we were concerned, “as we do not want the dissemination of atomic weapons more than anyone else”, we would behave in this area, “exactly as the States which decide to adhere to it”.[e]

It should be noted that during the discussions in the Political Committee, no reproach had been formulated against France’s position of abstention, which was already known to all. The declaration of our representative in the General Assembly did not raise public comments either. It seems to have been well received by many delegations from non-nuclear States which approved of some of our arguments without daring to express them themselves. The nuclear powers, for their part, noted with satisfaction the intention expressed by France not to promote in any way the dissemination of nuclear weapons.


The treaty was opened for signature on July 1, 1968, in Washington, Moscow and London, according to the procedure that had already been approved for the August 1963 treaty on the cessation of nuclear experiments.

It should be noted that among the signatories, who numbered 62 on July 10, there is, alongside the United States, the USSR and Great Britain, none of the non-nuclear States who, because of their technical advancement, could possibly be able to manufacture atomic weapons in a short period of time. It’s the case, in particular, of India and Brazil, who have already positioned themselves against the treaty, as well as Japan and Italy who, with several other states, have made it known that they would wait the holding of the non-nuclear States conference next September.

            The Federal Republic of Germany also counts on the prospect of this conference to delay its adherence from which it knows, however, it can hardly escape, the Soviets seeing in it the chief goal of the non-proliferation enterprise. In fact, Germany would like at least to commit itself definitively only after having received a triple guarantee: it insists on the official confirmation of the interpretation given by the Americans to articles 1 and 2 of the treaty, according to which the latter would not restrain the possession of nuclear weapon by a unified Europe; it would like American nuclear protection to be assured to it whatever the fate of the Atlantic Alliance; finally, benefiting on this point from a certain support from its non-nuclear partners in the European Community, it would like the agreement to be reached between the I.A.E.A. and EURATOM to preserve the activities of the latter organization, in particular the control it exercises.

The period of difficulties is therefore not finished for the champions of the treaty. The United States and the USSR nevertheless deemed that a disarmament step had just been taken, which called for new initiatives in this field. Moreover, Article 6 of the Treaty puts them, in principle, under an obligation to do so.

The Americans and the Soviets took advantage of the opening of the treaty for signature to announce that they had agreed to undertake negotiations on the problem of the limitation of nuclear-weapon delivery systems, the USSR responding thus to renewed calls from the President of the United States for engaging in a dialogue on this matter. The Soviets, on the other hand, addressed, on the same day, to all states a memorandum enumerating nine measures likely, according to them, to pave the way for general and complete disarmament. Among other measures of uneven interest and referred to many times in the past, we note in this document the suggestion that all nuclear powers undertake talks on the cessation of the production of atomic weapons and the liquidation of their stocks.


[a] Goldberg’s actual words were: “…if we insist on a perfect treaty – each Member with its different ideas of perfection – then we shall be unable to move forward, for there is no perfection in this world.” Walter Raymond Duncan, ed., Soviet Policy in the Third World (New York: Pergamon Press, 1980), 44.

[b] See in the attached document I the final text of this resolution.

[c] See in the attached document II the final text of the treaty.

[d] Those 2 countries had just signed an economic agreement with China

This report recounts developments at the UN First Committee from the beginning of the special session, April 24, to the plenary vote on June 12, 1968. Among the interesting observations was how the “most important resistance cell had … surprisingly developed among the Black African states,” who had sought concessions from the United States on apartheid South Africa’s mandate over South West Africa (modern-day Namibia). The report notes the various changes forced on the superpowers by Italy and Mexico on behalf of the non-nuclear-weapon delegations. The aide-memoire concluded that “[a]lthough these concessions [were] more apparent than real, they served as a pretext for a number of delegations, under intense Soviet and American pressure, to go along with the draft resolution thus revised.” The French delegate to the United Nations, Armand Berard, explained to the General Assembly on June 12 the reasons for France’s abstention. In accordance with Francis Perrin’s recommendations, Berard elaborated that although France would not sign the NPT when “the real issue was effective nuclear disarmament,” it would nonetheless pledged to behave “[e]xactly in such a way as those States which opt to adhere to it.”

Related Documents

March 2, 1960

Maurice Couve de Murville, 'Reflections on France’s isolated pursuit of the constitution of an autonomous “deterrent”'

This Foreign Ministry analysis was written for French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve de Murville. It spells out the obstacles facing an independent deterrent two weeks after France’s first nuclear test on February 13, 1960. The author cautions that a “minor deterrent” of a few dozen 100-kilton atom bombs loaded on vulnerable, short-range Mirage IV A fighter-bombers would cost hundreds of billions of francs. Intermediate-range ballistic missiles with which to threaten Moscow would require an additional 8-10 years and a further cost of 500 billion francs (around $100 billion in 1960). In order to match the superpowers’ thermonuclear level, that figure could rise as a high as “several trillion” over more than a decade, during which time the United States and the Soviet Union might well leapfrog the French force de dissuasion.

March 15, 1960

Maurice Couve de Murville to Prime Minister Michel Debré, 'Revision of the EURATOM Treaty,'

The French decision to join EURATOM was conditioned on the regional agency not impinging on national nuclear programs. As early as 1955, French Prime Minister Guy Mollet had instructed French negotiators that “Euratom will not be an obstacle toward the possible decision of France … to build nuclear weapons.”  While EURATOM’s jurisdiction would be limited to negotiating purchases of fissile materials, promoting trade with the United States and the United Kingdom, and exchanging reactors designs and civilian technology among members of the Atlantic community, Couve de Murville credited EURATOM with a fringe benefit: monitoring West Germany. In this spring 1960 letter to Prime Minister Michel Debré about revising the treaty, he warned against the removal of EURATOM controls over raw uranium and thorium or enriched uranium. Their removal, he cautioned, would create a dilemma: “either abandon the idea that German’s renunciation of atomic armaments could be enforced or support the enforcement of equivalent controls under the West European Union, which … would interfere in the direction of our programs and the development of our nuclear weapons.”

February 28, 1967

Note from Mr. Francis Perrin, High Commissioner for Atomic Energy, 'French foreign policy in terms of atomic armaments, particularly with regard to the proliferation of this armaments'

Nonproliferation talks entered their decisive phase after the submission of a joint U.S.-Soviet draft to the ENDC on February 21, 1967. One week later, High-Commissioner of the French Commissariat à l’énergie atomique, Francis Perrin, assessed France’s options. It was not “by accident,” he noted, the original five UN Security Council permanent members—the United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Soviet Union, and China—were in line for nuclear-club membership: “…they are the same profound reasons, of a geographical, demographic or other nature, which led to the choice [in 1945] … of the countries with special responsibilities in the maintenance of world peace.” After noting how advances in “India, Israel, Japan, Sweden, and also West Germany” portended the further spread of nuclear weapons—and acknowledging France had itself sought help with its weapon program—Perrin pondered whether proliferation might hasten nuclear disarmament by convincing the superpowers of its merits. In the end, however, fear of a “large and hostile” nuclear-armed PRC made him pessimistic. While he did not advise signing the NPT, it would be “very important” for France to affirm publicly, if unilaterally, “its constant policy since 1958 … not to cede any atomic weapon or any atomic explosive device to a country which does not possess it, and not to help any such country to manufacture them.” He dismissed internal opposition toward the NPT as defensive—"an a posteriori justification of the French decision to constitute an atomic armament." More significant was the likelihood West Germany would gain its own atomic arsenal, jeopardizing France’s “dominant political position among the Europe of the Six” members of the European Communities and reviving Cold War tensions in Europe. He finished with an eye-opening analysis of how the Kosygin proposal for nuclear-weapon states to extend negative security guarantees to non-nuclear-weapon states’ signatory to the NPT would not impede the use of French nuclear armaments against a West German blitzkrieg backed by the United States.

March 18, 1968

Note for the Directorate of Political Affairs, Disarmament, 'Non-proliferation treaty: Draft resolution on non-nuclear countries guarantees'

The finalization of a completed draft nuclear nonproliferation treaty, which the ENDC transmitted to by the United Nations without endorsement on March 18, 1968, launched a French review of the NPT’s implications for international law. The draft NPT was accompanied by a proposed United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSC), whose soft guarantees against nuclear-weapon use or threats had been a compromise workd out between Washington and Moscow. An initial study by Foreign Ministry lawyers identified numerous “juridical reasons… to fight against a project that, in its letter if not its spirit, constitutes a revision of the [UN] Charter." The report elaborated on how the hierarchization of “forms of aggression” would “downgrade” non-nuclear (i.e. conventional) violence. Non-nuclear-weapon states treaty signatories would receive non-binding security guarantees. The “Anglo-Saxons and Soviets” would maintain “freedom of action as far as what measures they choose to adopt.” Although the French government’s foremost legal experts opted not to advise vetoing the UNSC resolution, they warned the NPT package could serve as a warrant for nuclear-armed permanent members of the UN Security Council to wage “preventive war” in the name of worldwide nonproliferation.

March 28, 1968

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Political Affairs, Disarmament, 'Note: Guarantees for non-nuclear-weapon States, Draft resolution of the Security Council'

 This short research note briefly explores the case for and against vetoing the UNSC resolution. As the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Soviet Union were serving as co-sponsors, and the Republic of China on Taiwan would welcome any international measure the People’s Republic of China opposed, France was the only state in a position to veto the UNSC resolution and perhaps torpedo the NPT when the UNGA special session met in late April. If France were to abstain, it would be henceforth bound by the resolution. Even so, the report cautioned whether “a negative attitude” should outweigh “the downside of defeating a project whose intention, if not whose content, fulfills the wishes of the vast majority of non-nuclear delegations.”

April 3, 1968

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Political Affairs, Disarmament, 'Note: The Question of the Non-proliferation of Nuclear Weapons'

This 18-page memorandum was circulated to French embassies on the eve of the special UNGA session. The report recaps the series of events leading up to the international meeting, including the early history of the treaty, through an article-by-article analysis of the treaty text’s negotiating history. After reviewing the contexts in which the treaty was negotiated, the report concluded by citing three major elements as informing the French attitude. The first was the German question and, specifically, how the NPT would internationalize West Germany’s non-nuclear status, deepening its dependence on France. The second was the positive attitude of most nations—the vast majority of which lacked the wherewithal to build nuclear deterrents—to institutionalize their neighbors’ non-nuclear-weapon status. The third and “most remarkable element” was the U.S.-Soviet joint effort, undeterred by the Vietnam War, “to consolidate the current world balance under their dual control.” French “reservations” therefore boiled down to two critiques of the emerging regime: that it would “consolidate nuclear monopolies,” namely the U.S. and Soviet power blocs, “and legalize discrimination between States.”

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Cote 517INVA, Box 769, Centre d'archives diplomatiques de La Courneuve (CADLC). Contributed by Jonathan Hunt.


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