Mao details the actions of the Worker's Party of South Korea, its attempted actions and its repression by state authorities in the last month, and reiterates that he advised against offensive action.
November 1, 1949
Note, V. Grigor’yan to Cde. Stalin
to Cde. STALIN
I attach a draft reply to the telegram of Cde. Mao Zedong on the question of Korea.
Chairman of the VKP(b) CC Foreign Policy Commission
[signature] (V. Grigor’yan)
1 November 1949
Nº 15-G-1952
Copies distributed to Cdes.
[draft follows on next page]
Pass the following reply of Filippov [Stalin] to Mao Zedong in response to his telegram of 21 October:
“To Cde. Mao Zedong.
In connection with your telegram of 21 October on the question of Korea we consider it necessary to inform you that we hold to the same opinion on the question you touched upon and at one time [we] gave our advice to the Korean friends in the same spirit.
Telegraph when this is done.
Grigor'yan attaches a draft reply to the telegram of Mao Zedong on the question of the Workers' Party of Korea.
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