March 29, 1978
Protocol Guiding Cooperation between the Stasi and the KGB, 1978
This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation
Strictly Confidential!
P r o t o c o l
On Guiding Cooperation
Between the Ministry for State Security of the GDR and the
Representation of the Committee for State Security with the Council of Ministers of the USSR
with the Ministry for State Security of the GDR
In accordance with the Agreement of Cooperation between the Ministry for State Security of the GDR and the Committee for State Security with the Council of Ministers of the USSR (in the following called “Agreement of Cooperation”), the Ministry for State Security of the GDR and the Committee for State Security with the Council of Ministers of the USSR have agreed to sign the following protocol on guiding cooperation between the Ministry for State Security of the GDR and the Representation of the Committee for State Security with the Council of Ministers of the USSR
with the Ministry for State Security of the GDR.
Article I
The resolution of general issues of cooperation between the MfS of the GDR and the KGB with the Council of Ministers of the USSR, which were transferred by the KGB with the Council of Ministers of the USSR to the Representation of the Committee for State Security with the Council of Ministers of the USSR with the Ministry for State Security of the GDR (in the following called “Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR”), as well as the exchange of the most important information as listed in Article I of the Agreement of Cooperation, is conducted by the leadership of the Ministry of State Security of the GDR and the leadership of the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR.
Article II
The resolution of general issues of cooperation between the MfS of the GDR and the KGB with the Council of Ministers of the USSR, which were transferred by the Committee for State Security with the Council of Ministers of the USSR to the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR, as well as the exchange of information listed in Article I of the Agreement of Cooperation (except for issues and information referenced in Article I of this protocol), is to be conducted through the leaders of units in the MfS of the GDR, as designated in Article III of this protocol, and the liaison officers with these units from the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR.
Article III
In order to ensure close cooperation between units of the MfS of the GDR and the KGB with the Council of Ministers of the USSR, as stipulated in the Agreement on Cooperation, the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR will designate liaison officers to maintain permanent working contacts with the following units of the MfS of the GDR:
- Main Directorate A
- Main Department I
- Main Department II
- Main Department VI
- Main Department VII
- Main Department VIII
- Main Department IX
- Main Department XVIII
- Main Department XIX
- Main Department XX
- Central Evaluation and Information Group
- Department III
- Department Armaments/Chemical Services
- Department XII
- Department News
- Operative-Technological Sector
- Administration Logistics
- Department X
- District Administration Berlin
- District Administration Cottbus
- District Administration Erfurt
- District Administration Frankfurt (Oder)
- District Administration Gera
- District Administration Halle
- District Administration Karl-Marx-Stadt
- District Administration Leipzig
- District Administration Magdeburg
- District Administration Neubrandenburg
- District Administration Potsdam
- District Administration Rostock
- District Administration Schwerin
- District Administration Suhl
- Object Administration “W”
The overall number of liaison officers from the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR is 30, of which 15 are assigned to District Administrations of the MfS of the GDR.
Based on mutual agreement between the Minister for State Security of the GDR and the head of the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR, in cases required working contacts may also be established with the directors of other units in the MfS of the GDR. Such contacts will be maintained by the liaison officers, respectively by other employees to be designated by the leadership of the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR in coordination with the Minister for State Security of the GDR. Liaison officers and other employees from the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR, who are designated to maintain contacts with units in the MfS of the GDR, will have to solve the following tasks:
- Implementation of exchange of political-operative information and the assessment of this information, as well as of operative material and data, samples of operative technology and related documentation, operative archival material, and analytical and course material on issues of political-operative work;
- Participation in preparation and organization of working meetings between leading and operative officers from units in the MfS of the GDR and the KGB with the Council of Ministers of the USSR; and supporting the implementation of coordinated plans, agreements and measures at those meetings;
- Participation in planning and implementing joint operative measures;
- Participation in the implementation of joint plans, as well as mutual obligations and agreements;
- Coordination of mutual support in operative work;
- Coordination of measures to provide counterintelligence security on agreed main locations and objects of the USSR in the GDR, which warrant special protection;
- Coordination of measures of cooperation to protect Soviet military forces, facilities, and citizens that stay in the GDR;
- Participation in the implementation of investigation matters, if required by the interests of the MfS of the GDR and the KGB with the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
Article IV
The Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR supports the Directorate of Special Departments of the KGB for the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany (GSFG) in the organization of cooperation with the MfS of the GDR, according to Article VIII of the Agreement on Cooperation. Liaison officers from the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR will maintain, through especially designated officers from the Directorate of Special Departments of the KGB for the GSFG, working contacts with units in the MfS of the GDR on matters of organizing counterintelligence in neighborhoods of Soviet army objects on GDR territory, as well as pertaining to concrete events.
Article V
Liaison officers from the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR, as well as other employees from the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR designated to maintain contacts with directors of units in the MfS of the GDR, will be provided with official documents from the MfS of the GDR. They will allow them to enter office buildings of the MfS of the GDR in order to fulfill the tasks outlined in Article III of this protocol.
Article VI
Guided by Article VII of the Agreement on Cooperation, and within the framework of existing practice and an agreement with the leadership of the MfS, operative units from the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR and the Directorate of Special Departments of the KGB for the GSFG are allowed to recruit GDR citizens for secret collaboration in order to use for them for the following:
- solving tasks of intelligence and counterintelligence work in capitalist states and in West Berlin, also with regard to measures on the other side of the front during special periods as well as to fulfill supportive functions (investigator, liaison, landlord of conspiracy dwellings, cover address);
- operating against members of Military Liaison Missions from the United States, England, and France accredited with the staff of the GSFG;
- implementing counterintelligence measures aimed at the protection of military units of the Soviet Army, as well as of Soviet facilities and citizens, from hostile actions by the adversary and its agents.
During initial stages of review, GDR citizens selected as potential candidates will be background checked in the file cards of the MfS of the GDR. GDR citizens recruited for secret collaboration by the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR and the Directorate of Special Departments of the KGB for the GSFG will be registered with the MfS of the GDR. Registration will be implemented by liaison officers from the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR in coordination with directors from units in the MfS of the GDR, with whom the former are in permanent working contact according to Article III of this protocol.
In case a secret collaboration with a GDR citizen is terminated, the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR will inform about reasons behind the termination of collaboration and coordinate possible further measures according to the same procedures, as stipulated for coordination in matters of recruiting GDR citizens for such collaboration.
In order to tighten counterintelligence cooperations, and to maintain security for Soviet citizens living in the GDR, the MfS of the GDR is allowed to recruit for secret collaboration Soviet citizens residing permanently in the GDR. The Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR will be informed in such cases.
In the case of termination of a collaboration the MfS of the GDR will inform the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR. It will tell the reasons behind the termination and coordinate possible further measures.
Information will be provided through the liaison officers of the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR.
Article VII
The receipt of research of material from the archives of the MfS of the GDR and the KGB with the Council of Ministers of the USSR is handled on the basis of requests by respective liaison officers from the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR, according to procedures established by the MfS of the GDR and the KGB with the Council of Ministers of the USSR.
Article VIII
The Ministry for State Security of the GDR and the Representation of the KGB with the MfS of the GDR will implement measures required to ensure, within the framework of cooperation of the MfS of the GDR and the KGB with the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the secrecy of all mutually provided information, data and insights, in particular with regard to individuals recruited for a secret collaboration. They will ensure that such information, data and insights will not become known to people who have no authority in this regard.
Article IX
Tasks and measures resulting from Article XI of the Agreement on Cooperation will be regulated separately.
Article X
This protocol comes into effect upon signatures from both sides.
Article XI
The protocol was drafted in two copies, each in German and Russian language respectively. Both texts have identical validity.
Minister for State Security of the
German Democratic Republic
[Signed] Mielke
29 March 1978
Chairman of the Committee for State Security with the
Council of Ministers of the USSR
[Signed] Andropov
29 March 1978
Agreement between the Stasi and KGB outlining the placement of KGB liaison officers and their responsibilities, as well as granting the KGB the right to recruit East German citizens for intelligence work.
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