Soviet diplomats Fedorenko and Ponomarev report on a wide range of issues involving North Korea, including agriculture, industry, and economic conditions in the DPRK, relations with China and the Soviet Union, and the situation in South Korea.
April 1955
Report from I. Kurdyukov to the CPSU CC
This document was made possible with support from ROK Ministry of Unification
[CPSU CC General Secret Copy Nº 1
Department Stamp: 7 April 1955
7 April 1955 Nº 584/dv
By arrangement with Cde. I. S. Shcherbakov we are sending you a draft of CPSU CC notes in connection with the upcoming consultations with the Korean comrades.
1 - to the addressee
2 - to file
Nº 946-dv
7 April 1955
[Handwritten note: "to the archive.
the material was used
in a note to the CC about
the situation in Korea.
V. Gorbunov I. Shcherbakov
11 June 1955 30 May 1955
I. [illegible signature] 3 June 1955"]
Secret. Copy Nº 5
to the CPSU CC
In connection with the upcoming consultations with senior officials of the Korean Worker's Party CC we are sending a "Memo on the Situation in the DPRK", corrected and supplemented on the basis of informational materials recently received, and also a draft of a note, "The main questions for the conversation with the Korean comrades".
[date left blank] April 1955
Nº [left blank]
[Translator's note: the Memo has been previously translated]
Kurdyukov passes on documents in connection to upcoming consultations with the senior North Korean officials.
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April 1955 | Information on the Situation in the DPRK |
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