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Campos, Roberto de Oliveira

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Popular Documents

October 24, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Washington (Campos), 5:15 p.m., Wednesday

A telegram from Campos informing the Secretary of State that President Kennedy is suggesting the postponement of his visit to Brazil in light of the international tension.

November 1, 1962

Brazilian Embassy in Washington, Analysis of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Campos sends an attached memorandum of analysis of the developments of the Cuban crisis, elaborated by the Political Sector of the Embassy. It discusses Soviet motivation, American actions, Soviet reactions, etc.

October 24, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Washington (Campos), 5 p.m., Wednesday

A telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Washington suggesting that the inspection of Cuban territory should be transfered from the U.S. to an international group.

October 22, 1962

Telegram from the Brazilian Embassy in Washington (Campos)

A report from the Brazilian Embassy in Washington, D.C. about several meetings and consultations between the principal members and organs of the government (Kennedy, Johnson, etc.), especially of the Department of State and the Pentagon.Campos believes that an elaborate decision of great significance is in progress and that this decision may refer to Berlin or to Cuba or to the situation of the conflict between India and China.

October 23, 1962

Telegram from Brazilian Embassy in Washington (Campos), 1 p.m., Tuesday

Suggestion for a decision to internationalize the Cuban crisis would permit Cuba and the Soviet Union to "save face", diminishing the dangerous possibility of direct confrontation.