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Portrait of Choe Yong-gon (Choe Yong-geon)

Choe, Yong-gon (Choe Yong-geon)

Guerrilla leader, military commander, party and state deputy, Choe, Yong-gon (Choe Yong-geon; Ch'oe Yonggŏn) was one of the most loyal supporters of Kim Il Sung throughout his career.


Portrait of Choe Yong-gon (Choe Yong-geon)
CHOE YONG-GEON (1903-1976). Guerrilla leader, military commander, party and state deputy, Choe was one of the most loyal supporters of Kim Il Sung throughout his career. Choe was born in North Pyeongan Province in 1900 or 1903. He went to China and attended the Yunnan Military Academy. As a member of the Chinese Communist Party, he fought together with Kim Il Sung in Manchuria in the 1930s. Like Kim, he moved to the Soviet Union under Japanese pressure 1940 or 1941. He returned to Korea in 1945. He was head of the security bureau in the Provisional People's Committee and then became head of the Korean Social Democratic Party, replacing Cho Man-sik in 1946. He became a vice chairman of the Korean Workers' Party (KWP) later. In February 1948, Choe became the first commander of the Korean People's Army, and, following the establishment of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in September 1948, defense minister. He played an important role in the Korean War and was named as the first vice marshal when the rank was introduced in February 1953. In February 1956, Choe led the KWP delegation to the 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party at which then Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev denounced Josef Stalin's personality cult. The following year, Choe became president of the Standing Committee of the second Supreme People's Assembly. He retained his position as a KWP vice chairman and held both posts until his death.

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Popular Documents

September 29, 1950

Telegram from Shtykov to Gromyko and Stalin

Shtykov gives an insider’s report of a meeting with Kim Il Sung and Pak Heon-yeong, in which they discussed the current desperate state of the KPA, possible advancement of the US forces over the 38th parallel and the extent of the enemy’s knowledge of Soviet Union deliveries to North Korea. Kim asks for advice concerning the appeal for military aid that the Political Council of the Worker’s Party of Korea plans to send to Stalin. Shytkov comments on the nervousness and desperation of the Korean officials.

September 20, 1956

Record of a Meeting between the Sino-Soviet Delegation and the Korean Workers' Party Presidium

Both Mikoyan and Peng Dehuai strongly urge the KWP Presidium and Kim Il Sung to consider rehabilitating those involved in the August Plenum Incident. Choe Yong-geon suggests that they will be restored to the Central Committee, but not necessarily to their original positions, and certainly not to the Presidium. As for those who fled to China, both Choe and Kim say that they will be allowed to rejoin the party, but not the Central Committee and will not be guaranteed their old positions.

November 20, 1948

The Korean People's Army

A collection of speeches of Kim Il Sung, Kim Du-bong, Choe Yong-geon, and Kim Dal-hyeon on the Korean People's Army in 1948.

September 30, 1950

Ciphered Telegram, Shtykov to Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and Instantsia (Stalin)

Telegram from Shtykov to Gromyko and Stalin reporting the dire circumstances into which the North Koreans had fallen in the wake of the Incheon landings. Mentioned is a correspondence between the North Koreans and Mao which hinted at possible Chinese aid.

November 25, 1967

Report, Embassy of Hungary in the Soviet Union to the Hungarian Foreign Ministry

The Hungarian Embassy in the Soviet Union reports that Sino-Korean relations continue to deteriorate, along with the capabilities of the Korean People's Army.