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Germany (West). Federal Ministry for Research and Technology (BMFT)

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Popular Documents

April 5, 1978

Nuclear Waste Disposal of Nuclear Power Plants Iran 5 - 8; Here: Meeting of Mr. State Secretary with Dr. Etemad on 8 and 9 April 1978

Documents summarizes a meeting between Haunschild and Etemad on an upcoming visit to Tehran. It also includes information on talks held in March 1978 with Ahmad Sotoodehnia of the Atomic Energy Organization of lran.

October 6, 1977

Hans-Hilger Haunschild, 'RE: Nuclear Power Cooperation with Iran; Result of my One-hour meeting with the President of the AEOI , Dr. Etemad, on 4 October 1977'

Hans-Hilger Haunschild provides an update on Iran's order of nuclear power plants from West Germany. He comments on the prospects for increased German-Iranian trade, problems of spent fuel reprocessing, the timeline for conclusion of agreements with Iran, Iran's negotiations with France, and a sea water desalination plant.

May 1976

Federal Ministry for Research and Technology, 'Cabinet Submission: RE: Draft of an Agreement between the Federal Ministry for Research and Technology and the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran on Cooperation Regarding the Peaceful Use of Nuclear Energy'

The cabinet approved of the continuation of collaboration. The United States was discussed with to provide advice on how to move forward. Talks between the US and Iran about this are currently concluding. Deliveries of fuel assemblies are also discussed. 

September 3, 1974

Memorandum from Biagosch to Klaus Barthelt, 'Nuclear Power Plants Iran; Here: Call from ORR Kaye, BMFT; Meeting Today with Dr. Arabian'

An employee of the Deutsche Kraftwerksunion (KWU) writes to Klaus Barthelt, the Chairman of the Board, about enrichment negotiations with the Soviet Union in the context of an upcoming meeting with the President of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. The author also describes a meeting with another Iranian official who described Tehran's annoyance with France.

May 28, 1976

Note re: German-Iranian Nuclear Agreement; Meeting with State Secretary Haunschild on 28 May 1976

This conversation involved discussing the removal of the fuel cycle from the agreement, the lands delivering nuclear material to Iran, the continuation of work outside of Iran, physical protection during delivery, and information about a conference in London.