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McMahon, John Norman 1929-

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Popular Documents

November 8, 1982

'Pakistan-US: Demarche on F-16 Equipment,' 11/8/82, with Memo from McMahon to Carlucci, 'Risk Assessment of the Sale of AN/ALR-69 Radar Warning Receiver to Pakistan,'1 1/8/82, and Excerpt from Natl Intel Est on Pakistan

With delivery of U.S. F-16 fighter-bombers imminent, Pakistan threatens to refuse delivery unless the U.S. agrees to include the ALR-69 radar warning receiver for the aircraft. CIA analysts have concerns that including this sensitive radar technology in the delivery of the F-16s would enable China, a close military ally of Pakistan, to obtain and study the device.

September 21, 1981

John N. McMahon, Deputy Director for National Foreign Assessment, to Ambassador Richard T. Kennedy, Under Secretary of State for Management, 'Special National Intelligence Estimate on Indian Reactions to Nuclear Developments in Pakistan,' 31-32/81

Special National Security Estimate 31-32/81 outlines possible Indian preventative action that could be taken against Pakistan’s nuclear program, and possible responses should Pakistan develop a weapon.

February 27, 1980

Memorandum from John N. McMahon to Director of Central Intelligence

Memorandum of suggestions for Polish officials in case of national security threat.

April 21, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Director of Central Intelligence, '[Redacted] Report'

Translated correspondence between the USSR and Poland concerning the stationing of 66,000 Soviets troops in Poland as well as various exercises for attacks and natural disasters.

March 16, 1981

Memorandum from John McMahon to the Secretaries of State and Defense and Director of the National Security Agency, '[Redacted] Report'

Translation discusses the preparation for martial law through appointing Defense Council and committee members, martial law paperwork, increasing the defense budge from Soviet loans, and expanding military exports.