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March 9, 1963

Memorandum from NEA [Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs] Philips Talbot to G [Deputy Under State of State for Political Affairs Alexis] Johnson, 'FY 1964 MAP Levels as Basis General Wood’s Discussions in Turkey'

According to Talbot, an impasse in the impending talks between General Wood and the Turkish General Staff could have damaging implications for the removal of the Jupiters and for U.S.-Turkish relations. A key issue is the level of Military Assistance Program spending for the modernization of the Turkish Armed Forces, with the Turks believing that they “need and deserve” a higher modernization rate than the U.S. had programmed. For the Turkish military, $120 million would represent a “sudden and catastrophic decline.” Citing the importance of keeping the military “in line,” Talbot cites Ambassador Hare’s argument that “it would be difficult to conceive a worse time for making a significant reduction in MAP” and urges Johnson to authorize Gen. Wood to start with a “base of least” $150 million.

September 14, 1962

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'Proposed Visit of U.S. Scientists to the Dimona Reactor'

Delay in response to US request for a second visit to Dimona.

June 22, 1962

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'A Second Visit by U.S. Scientists to Israel’s Dimona Reactor'

Ambassador Harman responds favorably to the suggestion of another US visit to Dimona.

November 14, 1961

Department of State Memorandum of Conversation, 'Broadened Access to Israel’s Nuclear Reactor'

Israel would prefer a visit by Scandinavian or Swiss scientists to Dimona.

May 30, 1961

Memorandum of Conversation, 'President Kennedy, Prime Minister Ben-Gurion, Ambassador Avraham Harman of Israel, Myer Feldman of the White House Staff, and Philips Talbot, Assistant Secretary, Near East and South Asian Affairs'

US memorandum of conversation of Prime Minister Ben-Gurion and President Kennedy's discussion in New York.

May 1, 1961

Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Philips Talbot to Secretary of State, 'Ben--Gurion Visit and Israel’s Reactor'

Ambassador Harman requests that the US visit to Dimona be delayed until after Prime Minister Ben-Gurion and President Kennedy meet in New York on May 30th.