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August 27, 1950

Ciphered telegram, Filippov [Stalin] to Zhou Enlai


To Comrade Kotov

To No. 1726.

Visit Zhou Enlai and transmit to him the reply to his telegram about military dvisers.

“To Comrade Zhou Enlai.

The Soviet Government has satisfied your request about sending Soviet military advisers—specialists in PVO [Anti-Aircraft Defense] and VVS [Air Force] to the Eastern and Northeastern military districts. 38 advisers will be sent to China, of which 10 will be specialists in PVO and 28 specialists in VVS.

As regards the remaining 26 advisers, we consider that there is no special need to send them, since the work of these advisers can be fulfilled by the 38 advisers being sent to China, specifically: Adviser to the Chief of Staff PVO, apart from his main work can advise the work of the Chiefs of the operational and intelligence departments of the PVO district; Adviser to the Chief of Staff of the VVS can advise the work also of the Chief of the Operational Department of the Staff of the VVS district.

The 38 advisers will leave for China soon.


Copies: Stalin (2), Molotov

Telegram from Stalin to Zhou Enlai answering his request for military advisors.


Document Information


APRF, Fond 45, Opis 1, Delo 334, List 94


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