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January 17, 1980

Meeting of the Central Committee of the Italian Socialist Party

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

During a meeting of the Central Committee of the Socialist Party, Bettino Craxi presents his point of view on the tense international situation.


Document Information


Foundazione Bettino Craxi. 1) Sezione I: Attività di partito Serie 2: Vita interna del Psi Sottoserie 2: Riunioni di organi direttivi Sottosottoserie 1: Comitato centrale UA 13 . Riunione del Comitato centrale del 14-17 gennaio 1980 , 01/1980, pp. 7-13. Contributed by Giordana Pulcini and Leopoldo Nuti.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)