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June 8, 1983

Presidium of the Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences, Decision Regarding the Measures of the Social Science Section Fulfilling the Disposition of the Presidium of the USSR AS on "the 'New Historical Concept’ in the SRR"

This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation


Regarding the Measures of the Social Science Section of the MSSR AS for Fulfilling the Disposition of the Presidium of the USSR AS of 24.03.1983, No. 068: “On the Scientific Measures of the USSR AS in Connection with the ‘New Historical Concept’ in the SRR”



After hearing and analyzing the information of MSSR AS Academician D. T. Ursul with regard to the scientific measures of the Social Science Section of the MSSR AS for fulfilling the disposition of the Presidium of the USSR AS of 24.03.1983, No. 068: “On the Scientific Measures of the USSR AS in Connection with the ‘New Historical Concept’ in the SRR,” the Presidium of the Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences DECIDES:


  1. To approve the scientific measures of the Social Science Section of the MSSR AS regarding the implementation of the disposition of the Presidium of the USSR AS of 24.03.1983, No. 068: “On the Scientific Measures of the USSR AS in Connection with the ‘New Historical Concept’ in the SRR” (Annex).



  1. To task the editorial board of the journal News from the MSSR AS Social Science Series, to expand the publication of materials referring to the history of Russo-Romanian, Soviet-Romanian relations and to key problems from the history of Romania and Moldavia, as well as of reviews written by Soviet historians of the works of Romanian authors that contain erroneous historical appreciations.



  1. The Bureau of the Social Science Section, the Central Scientific Library of the MSSR AS should undertake urgent measures regarding the completion of the special collection of the library with modern artistic, scientific and popular science literature, and with periodicals from the Socialist Republic of Romania, beginning with 1984.



  1. The Bureau of the Social Science Section of the MSSR AS, the leadership of the scientific institutions of the section should assure the reception and analysis of the literature edited in the SRR, involving in this aim the best prepared workers in the institutions of the section.



  1. To draw the attention of the Bureau of the Social Science Section and of the leadership of the History Institute of the MSSR AS to the necessity of improving the quality of analysis and of the scientific generalization of the information from Romanian publications; taking measures regarding the improvement of the standard of work in the Sector for socio-political research and scientific information of the History Institute. The Institutes of the Social Science Section of the MSSR AS should utilize more widely the possibilities of mass political-educational work among the ranks of the population (lectures, publications in the periodical press, evaluations on radio and television) in order to unmask the “New Historical Concept” in the SRR regarding the problems of the history, language, literature, ethnography and culture of the Moldavian people; of Russo-Romanian and Soviet-Romanian relations.



  1. To recommend to the Bureau of the Social Science Section to make proposals to the Presidium of the MSSR AS by 1 January 1984 on carrying out supplementary research in the problems of Romanian sociology in connection with the “New Historical Concept” in the SRR.



  1. The Publication-Editorial Council of the MSSR AS and the Science [Stiinta] Publishing House should foresee in the thematic publication plans of the MSSR AS the respective page/publication sheet requirements for the publication of the works referring to the history of Russo-Romanian [and] Soviet-Romanian relations and to the key problems of the history of Romania and of Moldavia.



  1. To place responsibility for controlling the implementation of the present decision on the Bureau of the Social Science Section of the MSSR AS.


Vice-President of the Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences, MSSR AS Academician, D. T. Ursul (signature)


Principal Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of the Moldavian SSR Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of the MSSR AS, D. V. Ghitu (signature)


Instructions from the Moldavian Academy of Sciences to prepare materials to counter Romania nationalist propaganda which insisted that Moldavia was part of Romania. This included plans "to expand the publication of materials referring to the history of Russo-Romanian, Soviet-Romanian relations and to key problems from the history of Romania and Moldavia."

Document Information


AOSPRM, fond. 51, inv. 62, dosar 4, filele 72-73; Document No. 44 in Elena Negru and Gheorghe Negru, “PCM şi Naţionalism (1965-1989): Documente adunate în cadrul programului de cercetări effectuate de câtre Comisia pentru studierea şi aprecierea regimului tolitar communist din Republica Moldova,” special edition, Destin românesc, vol. 16, no. 5-6 (2010), pp. 153-154. Translated for CWIHP by Larry L. Watts.


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Leon Levy Foundation