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April 22, 1946

Message from Bagirov to Stalin and Molotov on Qavam’s trip to Moscow.

[handwritten at the top of the page: “Nr 143 328 words 16.53 2/II 46 VCh Moscow”]


To Cde. Stalin


To Cde. Molotov


Public opinion of Iranian Azerbaijan at the present time is riveted on the question of Qavam’s trip to Moscow.


Reactionary circles are placing great hope that Qavam in his talks will be able to achieve an agreement from Moscow to put an end to the democratic movement in Azerbaijan.


The main mass of the population, being supporters of democracy, although expressing confidence that the Soviet Union will not give Qavam an opportunity to suppress the vital interests of Azerbaijan, nevertheless is displaying some alarm.


The democrats themselves, knowing Qavam in the past as an oppressor of the democratic movement in Iran, are expressing some anxiety, fearing that Qavam can win the trust of the Soviet Union.


Qavam was Minister of Internal Affairs when the national revolutionary movement in Azerbaijan was crushed in 1908 and when the leader of the Azerbaijani people, Sattar Khan, was killed.


Qavam also was in power when in 1920 the national liberation movement was suppressed in Gilan and the leader of the movement Kuchuk Khan was killed.


It is especially necessary to note the temporizing position on the part of the merchant class, who, although they received permission of the national government to conduct trade beyond the borders of Iranian Azerbaijan, all the same have for now displayed no activity in this [situation].


Orders have been given to our people in order that they dispel any doubts and fears through the leaders of the democratic movement.


Pishevari, in his conversation with our trade representative in Iran, Cde. Lizin, declared that the national government intended to buy vehicles, petroleum products, paper, and other goods from the Trade Representative’s office and sell the carpets, bread, and tobacco which the government has, and also through merchants -  almonds, meat, butter, wool, and dried fruit.


Lizin recommended the national government open governmental trading points in Tabriz and other cities in order to force merchants to show [some] activity and enterprise in commerce.


Pishevari reported to us that the national government at the present time has more than 3 million tumans of available funds, but they do not  consider it possible for them to resume the activity of the Iranian national bank with these funds since the bank has a very large debt.


The national government intends to open a new Azerbaijani national bank for these funds and is requesting that the leaders of the Iransovbank give them suitable help with advice and consultation.


We request your orders through channels of the Narkomvneshtorg [People’s Commissariat of Foreign Trade] to the leadership of the Iransovbank in Tehran to give the national government of Azerbaijan the necessary consultation in organizing a new bank.



M. D. Bagirov I. I. Maslennikov

[signed] [signed]


22 April 1946


[transmission and receipt stamps at the bottom:


Sent 1710 22 April 1946 OPS Duty Officer Tumanova; received by Zharkova Checked 1835 22 April 1946 Duty Officer Tumanova]


A letter from Bagirov to Stalin and Molotov about public opinion of Qavam’s trip to Moscow and the Iranian-Soviet negotiations. It also requests advice about establishing a bank in Iranian Azerbaijan.

Document Information


GAPPOD, f.1, op.89, d.112. Obtained for CWIHP by Jamil Hasanli and translated for CWIHP by Gary Goldberg.


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