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April 26, 1966

Extract from Decisions of the Politburo of the CPSU CC of 23 April-4 May 1966, 'Point 21. On Steps in connection with the Proposal to Create a "Detection Club" with the Goals of Solving the Problem of Banning Underground Tests of Nuclear Weapons'

This document was made possible with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)

Decisions of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU for 23 April – 4 May 1966[1]


23 April 1966




26 April 1966





Point 21. On steps in connection with the proposal to create a “detection club” with the goals of solving the problem of banning underground tests of nuclear weapons.


1. Confirm the draft of instructions to the USSR representative at the Eighteen-Nation Disarmament Committee.


2. Direct the USSR MFA to tell the PNR ambassador in Moscow of our positive regard to the participation of Poland in the international conference called by Sweden in May of this year on the issue of creating a “detection club.” Meanwhile, tell [the ambassador] that, in our opinion, participation of the representatives of socialist countries in this conference should first of all pursue the goal of elucidating concrete issues touching on the creation of a “detection club.” Lay out our opinion to our Polish friends that the idea of creating a detection club” deserves attention if by that path it will be possible arrive at concluding a treaty on banning underground testing of nuclear weapons. Emphasize that states participating in a “detection club” should not, of course, by virtue of that take on themselves any obligations to conduct international inspections and monitoring on their own territories, that the presentation by them of seismic data can only be accomplished on a good will basis, and that evaluation of collected data cannot be done by any international organ, but by each state for itself.




[1] Translator’s Note: The following information is extracted from Protocol No. 3 of the CPSU CC Politburo meeting, finalized on 4 May 1966 and covering numerous resolutions made during 23 April to 4 May 1966. A number of decisions were made during the meeting and listed in numbered points. Point 21 was for a decision apparently made on 26 April 1966

USSR sending regards to the Polish ambassador about Poland joining the international "detection club" for underground nuclear tests.

Document Information


RGANI, f. 3, op. 72, d. 4, ll. 57, 63. Contributed by Anna Pan and translated by Theresa Billow-Supple.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)