November 6, 1945
Cable, V. Molotov, L. Beria, G. Malenkov, and A. Mikoyan to Cde. Stalin
This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation
to Cde. STALIN.
With your permission the Japanese Communist Susumu Okano, the leader of the Japanese People’s Liberation League formed in the Special Region of China uniting, in Okano’s words, 800 Japanese of which 170 are Communists, arrived in Moscow from Yan’an. In the past Okano was a member of the Comintern Executive Committee.
General-Colonel F. F. Kuznetsov talked with Okano, and then officials of the CC Department of International Information Cdes. Ponomarev and Baranov, who told Okano that they were talking with him on instructions of General Kuznetsov. Okano addressed the following requests:
First. Give him the opportunity to go to Changchun, where he wants to get legalized and get to Japan with the assistance of the Soviet and American authorities.
Second. Permit his wife, who has worked for a number of years in the Radio Committee on radio broadcasts in Japanese, to leave for Japan.
Third. Okano requests a telegram be sent to Yan’an for Japanese anti-fascists in Northern China themselves heading to Kalgan take steps to move to Japan and for our military authorities to give them possible aid.
We consider it possible to agree to these three requests of Okano.
We consider Okano’s position with respect to the Japanese Emperor to be correct and consider it possible to tell him about this.
Please approve [this].
Records of the two conversations with Okano are attached.
6 November 1945
received via VCh
Molotov, Beria, Malenkov, and Mikoyan request approval from Stalin to help a Japanese Communist and his wife return to Japan, as well as to provide assistance to other Japanese anti-fascists in China intent on returning to Japan.
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