July 5, 1951
Ciphered Telegram No. 21497, Mao Zedong to Filippov [Stalin]
This document was made possible with support from Leon Levy Foundation
CABLE Nº 21497
Copy Nº 1 to Cde. Stalin
Nº 2 to Cde. Stalin
from [BEIJING] received 2100 5 July 1951 Copy Nº 2
to the IV Unit OS VKP(b) CC
Incoming Nº 575/2280/shs 5 July 1951]
I am sending you for [your] information the draft text of an agreement to cease military operations in Korea.
"An agreement to cease military operations in Korea (draft).
The warring parties in Korea, the Commander-in-Chief of the UN forces General Ridgway (on the one side), the Commander-in-Chief of the People's Army of Korea General Kim Il Sung and the Commanding General of the Chinese volunteer forces General Peng Dehuai (on the other side) are authorized to assign representatives to take part in a meeting about the cessation of hostilities and the establishment of peace in Korea.
The representatives of both sides have agreed to the following:
1. 'On …day…month 1951, both sides will simultaneously issue a cease-fire order. After the cease-fire order is issued the ground, naval, and air forces of both sides within Korea will cease fire and other hostilities.
2. The ground, naval, and air forces of both sides will withdraw 10 statute miles from the 38th parallel. A buffer zone should be created in the region 10 miles to the north and south of the 38th parallel. Civil administration in the buffer zone will be restored as it was before 25 June 1950: to the north of the 38th parallel, under the jurisdiction of the Korean People's Democratic Republic, to the south of the 38th parallel, under the jurisdiction of the South Korean government.
3. Both sides will cease sending (including ground, naval, and air shipments) weapons, troops, or replacement personnel from outside Korea.
4. Both sides will repatriate prisoners. In the three months after the cessation of hostilities each side is to achieve a complete exchange of prisoners in individual groups.
5. All the foreign troops fighting in Korea, including the Chinese volunteer forces, should be completely withdrawn in units from South and North Korea within a period of two to three months.
6. Within four months refugees from South and North Korea should be returned to the areas where they previously lived'"
5 July 1951
Deciphered by Vaganov 2225 5 July
Printed by Chesnokova 2300 5 July Nº 1395
Four copies printed. Nº 3 and 4 filed
Verified: Section Chief
COLONEL [signature] (MAKAROV)
Mao sends Stalin the draft text of an agreement to cease military operations in Korea.
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