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January 23, 1958

Code Message No. 961 from Ambassador Gajewski in Paris to Ogrodziński

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January 23, code message of the ambassador in Paris

regarding ,conversation with General de Gaulle

on the Rapacki Plan


Top secret!


Code message No 961

from Paris, transmitted Jan. 23, 1958 09.00 hrs




I had a conversation with De Gaulle. c1)c As usual very cardinal and overly warm towards Poland. With regard to his more active role in politics De Gaulle speaks in a specific, enigmatic manner: humanity must eventually become involved in a war; France would rise when it experiences a shock in the form of some great event; France’s future is the leading role of the French-African Commonwealth; French youth is undergoing profound transformation, etc. c2)c Then he moved on the Rapacki Plan. He said that he finds it extremely important, because:


a) it originated in Poland,


b) it offers the possibility of neutralization in central Europe, which – in his opinion – could be of paramount importance for a proper solution to the German question, without which there can be no peace in the world. He believes that the negative attitude of the French official agencies to our proposals should not be treated too seriously. He is aware that the French public opinion appreciates the significance of the Polish initiative.


It is most important that Poland continue its efforts and firmly upheld its proposals. After 1945 there have been so many proposals, but there is an enormous disorientation; it is however necessary that the idea of partial solutions in this part of Europe grew in people’s minds.


c3)c Physically, De Gaulle is on excellent form and shows an avid interest in current events. It is a known fact that pressure is being put on him so that he voice his opinions in the current, ever more complicated situation of France.


/–/ Gajewski


AMSZ, ZD 6/77, w. 59, t. 827


The Polish Ambassador relays his conversation with General de Gaulle to Przemysław Ogrodzinsk of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in which de Gaulle praises the Rapacki Plan and its importance for neutralization in central Europe, and encourages Poland to continue its efforts.

Document Information


Polskie dokumenty dyplomatyczne 1958 (Warszawa: Polski Instytut Spraw Międzynarodowych, 2011), Document #35, pp.72-73. Translated by Jerzy Giebułtowski.


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Carnegie Corporation of New York (CCNY)