Date unknown
Letter from Vitalii Kataev to O. I. Lobov about the Establishment of Relations with Taiwan
This document was made possible with support from Chun & Jane Chiu Family Foundation
Dear Oleg Ivanovich!
Considering the delicacy of relations with Taiwan I consider it possible to propose the following.
Build relations with Taiwan with the involvement of a "buffer" system, using one of our existing business entities for this which would take on itself the main role of Representative of the Russian side, but would be functionally subordinate to the Moscow-Taipei Coordinating Commission for Economic and Cultural Cooperation, and would be its executive body.
The BINITEK technology concern, which you know, (it is a sponsor of the International Conference, "The Conversion of the Aerospace Complex") can be recommended as such a commercial organization. This concern is already operating right now as a "buffer" system in another such delicate question: it works with German investors on the problems of the development of the Volga region (including questions of providing the necessary facilities to Volga Germans).
The main directions of the activity of the concern in interaction with Taiwan might become:
- trust functions with respect to investments and credits;
- consulting services in the drawing up and realization of investment programs, the organization of joint enterprises, the search for a partner to carry out specific work, giving assistance in a mutual search for new technologies (including our defense enterprises) and high-performance equipment, and the conclusion of deals;
- participation in the agency [posrednicheskie] relationships of Western firms with Taiwan;
- promotion of the development of mutual tourism and the sale of the goods of Taiwanese exports on Russian territory;
- banking operations of the type "ruble - national currency of Taiwan" (there is the BINITEK Bank for this).
The management of the BINITEK concern supports these directions.
Specialists released from the Administration of the President of Russia (the Service of the State Adviser of the Russian Federation for Conversion Questions) will also take direct part in the work.
With your agreement the degree of participation of the BINITEK concern could be spelled out with its leadership.
First Deputy Chief of the Service of the State Adviser
of the RF for Conversion Questions V. Katayev
Kataev proposes to Lobov, Chairman of the Expert Council under the President of the Russian Federation, that economic and diplomatic relations with Taiwan can be established through the "buffer" of private companies, as was done in the case of the German company "Binitek".
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