April 1, 1952
Meetings with Wilhelm Pieck, Walter Ulbricht, Otto Grotewobl, Fred Oelsner, and Stalin
Meetings on 4.1&7.1952
[Wilhelm Pieck, Walter Ulbricht, Otto Grotewobl, Fred Oelsner, Stalin]
1. Meeting on 4 .1 .1952 – 21.00 - 23.07 hours in Moscow
Police – Armament
Law [Recht] not utilized
Create people's army – without noise
Pacifist period is over
SAG [Soviet stock companies] companies – sell half
Half of the profits
payment half in Mark
“ “ Goods
Do not lead through ministries alone
5 proposals – pour 25,000 t pig iron
II a[nd] III quality
seamless pipes – 14,000 t
Economy/ 2.5 Mill[ion] rolling mill
check crude sheet metal
unequal distribution
Sell Neptun
Lead 7,000 t
Copper 10,000 t
Combine Cotton 8,000 t
Building machines
Mines Kombein [?] credit 1953
Lecturers – Uni – Party schools
Army – 8 military districts
9-10 army corps – 30 divis[ions] – 300,000
Training in SU
Youth service – pre-milit[ary] education
Begin with civilian org.
Company security
FDJ has to learn how to shoot
Submarine service
Train pilots
Infantry – divisions
Carry out trials
– M. review 7 verdicts
no pacifism
Fill yourself with fighting spirit, we will help you.
Final meeting on 4.7 – 22.05 - 23.20 hours in Moscow
St[alin]: so far all proposals rejected
no compromises
Creation European army – not against SU, but for power
in Europe
Atlantic pact – independent state in the West
Demarcation line dangerous border
1st line German (Stasi), behind them Soviet soldiers
We have to count with terrorist acts.
Re-establish the liquidated Soviet headquarters
Armaments have to be produced,
immediately Russian rifles with ammunition.
Military training for inf1antry], navy, air force, submarines,
tanks - artillery will be donated
also division of fighter planes [Jägerdivision]
Hoffmann – 24 units [Abt.] – 58,000
Not militia, but trained army. All without noise,
but steadfast
Also creation of production-cooperatives in the village,
in order to encircle large farmers.
Begin skillfully in the fall.
Create examples – privileges
seed material, machines.
Instructors available.
Do not force anybodv.
Do not yell collective farms – socialism
Create facts. At the beginning the deed.
– Road to socialism – state prod[uction] is socialist.
Better pay for engineers
1 : 1.7
2-3 x more than workers
11-12,000 Rbl. to university graduates [Akademiker]
pay qualified workers better than unqualified
Theses not dealt with
Party not dealt with Party conference
Economic conference
Unity, Peace treaty - continue to agitate
Stalin and a delegation of German officials discuss aspects of German economic and military needs, in order to discuss how the Soviet Union can assist them.
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