Report from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, 'List of Problems Between China and Other Asian-African Countries'
This document was made possible with support from MacArthur Foundation
Problems between China and the Asian-African Countries
- Fishery between China and Japan
- Trade between China and Japan
- Establishment of normal relations between China and Japan
- Overseas Chinese and the Japanese prisoners of war
- Cultural exchange between China and Japan
- Communications between China and Japan
- Truce supervision
- Prisoners of war
- Peaceful unification
- Relations between Rhee [Syngman] and Jiang [Jieshi], and Rhee and Japan
The Philippines
- Persecution of the overseas Chinese in the Philippines
- Problems in the execution of the Indochina Truce Agreement
- Possibility of signing a nonaggression treaty or friendship treaty between China and Indonesia
- Signing the cultural agreement between China and Indonesia
- Signing the communication and post agreement between China and Indonesia
- Negotiations on the nationality of the overseas Chinese in Indonesia
- Establishment of more consulates in Indonesia
- Trade with Indonesia
- Overseas Chinese in Malaya
- Persecution of the overseas Chinese in Thailand
- Nai Bily in China and the Dai Ethnic Group autonomous district in Yunnan border area
- Slander of China by Thailand in UN
- Establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Thailand
- Trade between China and Thailand
- Border issue between China and Burma
- Establishment of the Chinese consulates in Burma
- Nationality of the overseas Chinese in Burma
- Border trade among China, Sikkim and Burma
- Remaining bandits of Li Mi
- The present talks with the Burmese Purchase Delegation in China
- Establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Nepal
- Tibet-Nepal Treaty
- Singh
- Problems in the execution of China-India Treaty on Tibet
- Opening air traffic between China and India
- Un-demarcated boundaries between China and India
- Science and technology exchange between China and India
- Trade between China and India
- Culture exchange between China and India
- Establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Ceylon
- The Ceylonese prime minister’s visit to China
- Trade between China and Ceylon
- Relations between and China and the Kamjuti Kingdom
- Pakistan’s attitude towards Taiwan
- Relations between Turkey and Taiwan
Near East and Africa
- Establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Egypt
- Establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Syria
- Establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Israel
- Trade between China and Egypt, and China and Syria
- Negotiations between China and Saudi Arabia on pilgrimage
- Carrying out religious activities between China and the Arab countries
- Exchange of visits by delegations between China and the Arab counties
- The Islamic Congress
Other Problems in Asian-African Region
- Japan’s joining the United Nations
- The territory of Japan
- Relations between Japan and USA, and Japan and Soviet Union
- Japan’s compensation to the Southeast Asian countries
- Disasters of the atomic and hydrogen bombs suffered by Japan
- Japanese market
The Philippines
- Contradictions between the Philippines and USA
- Methods used by the Philippines towards the Asian-African conference
- Negotiations between Vietnam and France on economy
- Possibility of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Vietnam and Indonesia
- Contradictions between USA and France in South Vietnam
- Internal contradictions among Ngo Dinh Diem clique
- India’s activities in Laos and Cambodia
- West Irian
- Subversive activities carried out by imperialist spies in Indonesia
- Indonesian general election
- Japan’s compensation to Indonesia
- Assistance provided by Australia and other countries for the Malayan authorities to conduct armed suppression of the people
- Contradictions between Britain and USA in Thailand
- Thailand’s influence in Cambodia
- Methods used by Thailand towards the Asian-African Conference
- Relations between Burma and Japan, and Burma and Thailand
- Contradictions between Britain and USA in Burma
- Disputes on Kashmir, river water distribution and refugees between India and Pakistan
- Foreign territory in India
- Overseas Indian in Ceylon
- Overseas Indian in South Africa
- Naja Mountain area along Indian-Burmese border
- Issue of Pashtunistan between Pakistan and Afghanistan
- Kashmir
- Turkey-Pakistan Treaty
- Military alliance between USA and Pakistan
- East and West Pakistans
- Contradictions between Britain and USA
- Turkey-Pakistan Agreement and Turkey-Iraq Agreement
- Contradictions between Turkey and Egypt
- Turkey-Greece-Yugoslavia Treaty
Near East and Africa
- Palestine
- Jordan’s joining of UN
- Revision of Britain-Iraq Treaty and Britain-Jordan Treaty
- Border disputes between Britain and Yemen
- Internal contradictions among Arab group
- Contradictions between Britain and USA in Near East
- Issues of Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria
- Relations between Britain and Egypt
- Contradictions among USA, Britain and France
- Racial discrimination in South Africa
- Britain’s massacre of the residents in Kenya
- Relations between Abyssinia and Britain, and Abyssinia and USA
- Libya’s joining of UN
- The international status of the so-called Union of Central Africa
- Settlement of the former Italian colonies
Other issues
- Taiwan
- Peaceful unification of Korea
- Implementation of Indochina Truce Agreement
- Ban of atomic weapons and the use of atomic energy for peaceful purposes
- Economic development of the underdeveloped countries
- Islamic international organizations
- The Asian Marshall Plan
- Colombo Plan
A list of problems between China and other Asian-African countries
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Associated Topics
Subjects Discussed
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