August 6, 1953
Summary Memorandum, US-ROK Mutual Defense Treaty (August 6)
This document was made possible with support from Syngman Rhee Institute, Yonsei University
In 1953, Secretary Dulles met President Rhee to discuss the US-ROK mutual defense treaty. This summary memorandum notes twelve of Rhee’s requests and/or points he will like this treaty to incorporate. These include the number of ROKA divisions, which economic model the US should use to help Korea’s economy, and the request for moral and material support for the ROK to resume war with the north. This summary also notes whether the US granted, wanted to further discuss, or rejected each point.
Associated People & Organizations
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Associated Topics
Subjects Discussed
- Korean War, 1950-1953
- Communist countries--Foreign relations--India
- Chinese Communist Party
- Communism--China
- Communist leadership--China
- Korea (South)--Military relations--United States
- Japan--Foreign relations--Korea (South)
- Korea (South)--Armed Forces
- Korea--History--Japanese occupation, 1910-1945
- Military assistance, American--Korea
- India--Foreign relations--Korea (North)
- India--Foreign relations--Korea (South)
- Communist countries--Foreign relations--Korea (South)
- Korea (South)--Foreign economic relations--United States
- Treaty of Peace with Japan (1951)
- Korea (South). Treaties, etc. United States, 1953 October 1
- US--Foreign economic relations--Japan
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