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June 9, 1970

Memorandum for the President, "Next Steps in the Middle East"

A memorandum that outlines several proposed courses of action the United States could take in order to stop the fighting in the region, restart negotiations, provide Israel reassurance, and does not reflect weakness towards Moscow.

June 9, 1970

Memorandum of Conversation between Secretary of State Rogers and Soviet Ambassador Dobrynin

A recap of a meeting in which Secretary Rogers and Ambassador Dobrynin discuss proposed formulations to negotiate a peace in the Middle East, and the Soviet Union's involvement in the UAR.

August 7, 1970

TelCon between Secretary Rogers and Mr. Kissinger

A conversation between Rogers and Kissinger, in which they discuss the meeting Kissinger previously had with Israeli Ambassador Rabin, and Kissinger's overall involvement in negotiations with Israel.

October 13, 1970

Memorandum for the President: Next Steps on the Middle East

In a letter to the President, Rogers plans to take advantage of the favorable conditions created by the recent talks in New York by continuing bilateral talks with the Soviet Union, and participating in the renewed Four Power talks at the UN. The goal is to restart dialogue by mid-November.

March 28, 1969

Letter from Secretary of State William P. Rogers to Secretary of Defense

In his 28 March reply Secretary Rogers agreed that the computer issue needed more examination along with a further review of policy on sensitive technology exports, but he virtually blew off Laird’s request for a meeting and for deliberation outside of NSC channels. Instead, he advised that the Israeli nuclear problem be studied by the NSC Under Secretaries Committee.

February 17, 1969

Telephone Conversation Transcript, Henry Kissinger and William P. Rogers

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee was reviewing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty for ratification and its chairman, J. William Fulbright (D-Ark), wanted to know where Israel stood on the Treaty. Believing that the issue should be handled at the White House level, Rogers proposed a meeting with Kissinger, Laird, and CIA director Richard Helms. Agreeing to schedule a meeting, Kissinger acknowledged that the issue was also “political.”