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China and Africa

 This collection highlights China's relations with countries in Africa during the Mao period, particularly in the 1960s. The collection features Chinese documents on economic and cultural relations with several countries in Africa, as well as meetings and leadership exchanges. See also the collection: China's Foreign Aid. Image: Chinese leader Mao-Tse-Tung greets President Julius K. Nyerere of Tanzania in Peking. President Nyerere went to Chinese Capital to finalise the Tanzania/Zambia railway line project, January 1, 1960 (Credit: CameraPix).

Popular Documents

January 15, 1964

The Chinese Government's Eight Principles for Economic Aid and Technical Assistance to Other Countries

During a state visit to Ghana in January 1964, Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai outlines the principles of China's foreign economic assistance.

March 8, 1964

Record of Premier Zhou Enlai's Conversations with the President of Ghana Kwame Nkrumah

Over the course of three conversations, Zhou and Nkrumah discuss African regionalism, China's position at the United Nations and its relations with the United States, non-alignment, decolonization, developments in the Congo, and an African nuclear-weapons-free zone.

February 21, 1959

Mao Zedong, 'Africa's Task is to Struggle Against Imperialism'

On February 21, 1959, in a meeting with representatives of the Union of the Populations of Cameroon and of the youths of Guinea, Kenya and Madagascar, Mao Zedong argued that Africa's task is to struggle against imperialism and that the people of various countries should assist and support African people in the struggle for liberation.

January 9, 1964

Letter of Condolence for President Nkrumah [from Mao Zedong]

Mao writes to President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana after he escapes an attempted assassination. He promises to support the Ghanaian people and their anti-imperialist struggle.

November 11, 1965

Record of Second Conversation of Premier Zhou Enlai and Vice Premier Chen Yi with Foreign Minister Pak Seong-cheol

Chen Yi, Zhou Enlai, Pak Seong-cheol, and Ri Ju-yeon have a detailed conversation about the situations in Indonesia, Algeria, Uganda, Mali, Guinea, and members of the Third World.