The Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania (GRRCL).

Papers of the Higher School of the KGB
The Papers of the Higher School of the KGB (ТрудыВысшейшколыКГБ) was a top-secret journal produced by the Felix Dzerzhinsky Higher School. Used for internal communication, the sharing of professional experiences and expertise, and building up the common Chekist identity and esprit de corps, the Papers of the Higher School illuminates the internal functioning of the Soviet KGB as well as on its methods, sources, and operations. A large number of articles also deal with “subversive activities” of Soviet adversaries, including the People's Republic of China, the United States, and West Germany.
The journal regularly included longer research articles based on the top secret operational files of the KGB. They were typically written by the instructors and graduate assistants of the Higher School of the KGB, or by the high-level officers in the KGB territorial units.
The Genocide and Resistance Research Centre of Lithuania (GRRCL) has collected, scanned, and published, in the original Russian language, dozens of issues of the Papers of the Higher School. This Wilson Center Digital Archive collection consists of translated tables of contents for all issues published by the GRRCL, in an effort to make individual articles contained in the Papers of the Higher School more easily discoverable by researchers, both those who can and those who cannot read Russian.