Detailed report on the arrival of the PLA in Xinjiang, including the local population's reaction. Mao reports that the PLA was greeted warmly except for activities of some "reactionary elements and propaganda units of the Kuomintang."
October 25, 1949
Cable, Mao Zedong to Comrade Filippov [Stalin]
(1) 这是毛泽东给斯大林的电报。
(2) 菲利波夫,即斯大林。
(3) 指中国人民解放军第一野战军第一兵团第二军军长郭鹏、政治委员王恩茂一九四九年十月十八日二十时呈送的《入疆综合报告》。报告说,我军于十月十二日从酒泉、玉门、安西之线出动。到十月十八日为止,我军第四师第十二团已进至吐鲁番。第十团及师指,现在鄯善。第十二团之一部正向鄯善车运中,一部仍在哈密。军指及第五师师指和第十四团、第十五团仍在哈密。综合报告如下:(一)我军入疆得到新疆各民族人民的热烈欢迎。(二)张治中、陶峙岳的新疆起义部队有三种不同表现:一种是解放军来到前,反动分子组织和煽动国民党军放火,但解放军到后停止了这种现象; 一种是解放军到达时,反动分子煽动国民党军队杀人、放火,企图阻止解放军前进;一种是自起义后始终维护地方联序,保护人民的生命财产。我们对这三种不同表现的部队采取了不同的方针和态度。(三)肃清特务分子、反动分子是保证新疆和平解放胜利的重要条件。(四)新疆民族问题仍然复杂,但有党的正确民族政策,我们有十足的信心,团结新疆各民族,为建设新新疆而奋斗。(五)部队纪律在群众中有好的称赞。
(4) 迪化,今新疆乌鲁木齐。
Forwarding the Summary Report of the PLA’s Entry into Xinjiang(1)
(October 25, 1949)
Comrade Filippov(2):
I am sending you the first detailed report(3) about the entry into Xinjiang of the lead units of the People’s Liberation Army.
This report was sent from Hami on 18 October by the Commander and Political Commissar of the 2nd Army of the 1st Corps. At that time, our army had still only reached Hami, Turpan, and Shanshan. On 20 October it had already reached Dihua(4) and Yanqi.
Mao Zedong
25 October 1949
(1) This is a cable that Mao Zedong sent to Stalin.
(2) I.e., Stalin.
(3) This refers to the “Summary Report on the Entry into Xinjiang” sent at 20:00 on 18 October 1949, by Guo Peng, Commander of the 2nd Army of the 1st Corps, and Wang Enmao, the Political Commissar. The report said that our Army launched activity along the Jiuquan-Yumen-Anxi line on 12 October. As of 18 October, the 12th Regiment of the 4th Division of our Army had already entered Turpan. The 10th Regiment and the Division Command are in Shanshan. Part of the 11th Regiment is moving to Shanshan, and part of it remains in Hami. The command of the Army, the command of the 5th Division, and the 14th and 15th Regiments are in Hami. The summary report is as follows: (1) The entry of our Army into Xinjiang was warmly greeted by all nationalities and peoples of Xinjiang. (2) There were three different manifestations among the units of Zhang Zhizhong and Tao Zhiyue which rebelled [against the Guomindang]. One is that before the arrival of the PLA, reactionary elements organized and incited the Guomindang Army to commit arson, but the PLA stopped this phenomenon after arriving; another is that as the PLA arrived, reactionary elements incited the Guomindang Army to kill and set fire to try to prevent the PLA from advancing; and [the last] type is to maintain local order and protect the lives and property of the people. We have adopted different approaches and attitudes towards these three different types of troops. (3) The elimination of special agents and reactionary elements is an important condition for guaranteeing the victory of peaceful liberation in Xinjiang. (4) The national question [minzu wenti] in Xinjiang is very complex, but because of the correct national policy of the Party, we are completely confident that we will unite all the nationalities in the fight to build a new Xinjiang. (5) There is good praise among the people for the discipline of the Army.
(4) Dihua is today known as Urumqi, Xinjiang.
Mao shares a detailed report on the arrival of the PLA in Xinjiang with Stalin.
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