November 14, 1945
TASS Report Distributed to Cdes. I.V. Stalin, V.M. Molotov, A.I. Mikoyan, L.P. Beria, G.M. Malenkov, and A. Ya. Vyshinsky, 'The Anti-Soviet Attacks of a Uruguayan Newspaper'
This document was made possible with support from Blavatnik Family Foundation
[stamp: Secret
Department of TASS]
Top Secret
MONTEVIDEO, 10 November (TASS). The newspaper El Diario makes anti-Soviet attacks concerning the state of health of Cde. Stalin. Declaring that the Soviet authorities are reporting nothing about Stalin since there is no democracy in the Soviet Union the newspaper writes, “This fact demonstrates that the Soviet regime, in spite of the Communism proclaimed by it, is a personal regime relying on a dominant political class and a strong personality which imposes unity on this political class.
The newspaper writes further, “If Stalin disappears or is simply forced to abandon the political leadership of the country, the consequences will probably be serious to the highest degree. In spite of its theoretical collectivism, the Soviet regime is based on the personality of Stalin”.
Seven copies printed
1 – to Cde. I. V. Stalin
2 – to Cde. V. M. Molotov
3 – to Cde. A. I. Mikoyan
4 – to Cde. L. P. Beria
5 – to Cde. G. M. Malenkov
6 – to Cde. A. Ya. Vyshinsky
7 – to file
Nº 536ss
14 November 1945
M. Nº 536
zp [handwritten: PR]
TASS reports on an Uruguayan news story that claims the Soviet regime is built around Stalin's personality rather than communist or socialist principles.
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