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January 4, 1939

Translation of a Letter from Governor Shicai Sheng to Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov

Governor Sheng Shicai expresses gratitude to Cdes. Stalin, Molotov, and Voroshilov for the opportunity to visit Moscow. After reporting critical remarks made by Fang Lin against the Soviet Union and the Communist Party, Sheng Shicai requests that the All-Union Communist Party dispatch a politically experienced person to Urumqi to discuss Party training and asks that the Comintern order the Chinese Communist Party in Xinjiang to liquidate the Party organization.

March 21, 1956

Reception, Conversation Between Soviet Foreign Minister K.E. Voroshilov and Chinese Deputy Chairman Zhu De, 20 March 1956

Record of a conversation between Soviet Foreign Minister Voroshilov and Chinese Deputy Chairman Zhu De. They discuss Zhu De's travels in the Soviet Union and his impressions of the 20th Party Congress, at which Khrushchev had given his famous "Secret Speech" denoucing Stalin.

November 6, 1956

Working Notes from the Session of the CPSU CC Presidium on 6 November 1956

Debate occurs at this CC session between Molotov, who opposes approving the appeal written by the Provisional CC of the Hungarian Socialist Worker’s Party, and the other members of the CC who desire approving the document. Molotov is concerned about the unknown composition of the CC of the HSWP, the condemnations of former Hungarian Worker’s Party (HWP) politicians, the issue of renaming the HWP, and the risk that Hungary will become the next Yugoslavia. Khrushchev states that Molotov is “clung to the cult of Stalin” and that Molotov is considering bringing back Rakosi and Hegedus.