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March 15, 1960

Maurice Couve de Murville to Prime Minister Michel Debré, 'Revision of the EURATOM Treaty,'

The French decision to join EURATOM was conditioned on the regional agency not impinging on national nuclear programs. As early as 1955, French Prime Minister Guy Mollet had instructed French negotiators that “Euratom will not be an obstacle toward the possible decision of France … to build nuclear weapons.”  While EURATOM’s jurisdiction would be limited to negotiating purchases of fissile materials, promoting trade with the United States and the United Kingdom, and exchanging reactors designs and civilian technology among members of the Atlantic community, Couve de Murville credited EURATOM with a fringe benefit: monitoring West Germany. In this spring 1960 letter to Prime Minister Michel Debré about revising the treaty, he warned against the removal of EURATOM controls over raw uranium and thorium or enriched uranium. Their removal, he cautioned, would create a dilemma: “either abandon the idea that German’s renunciation of atomic armaments could be enforced or support the enforcement of equivalent controls under the West European Union, which … would interfere in the direction of our programs and the development of our nuclear weapons.”

February 25, 1959

Information Note by Theodor Vogelaar of Legal Services of European Executive, 'Defining the Scope of the Euratom Treaty - Peaceful and Military'

This information note to the members of the Commission lays out the peaceful and military limits to the scope of the Euratom Treaty.

May 7, 1957

Press Conference on 7 May 1957 by Louis Armand, 'A Target for Euratom'

This press conference given by Louis Armand, future first president of Euratom, details a report advocating the creation of an industrial substrate capable of producing by the end of the century abundant energy so that Europe may regain its independence and rethink its economy.

May 25, 1957

French Ambassador to West Germany to Foreign Minister Christian Pineau, 'Extension to Berlin European Treaty on the Common Market and Euratom'

February 21, 1957

Telegram from Couve de Murville

November 9, 1956

Note by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Economic Cooperation

This note describes panel discussions, which took place on the visit of Chancellor Adenauer to Paris, helping to reach an agreement on outstanding issues regarding Euratom.

June 8, 1956

Draft Minutes from Intergovernmental Conference for Euratom May 29 and 30 1956

These minutes describe a discussion from members of several European states, including Germany, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands on actions in case of emergency in regard to Euratom.

May 14, 1956

Letter from Louis Joxe to Christian Pineau, French Minister of Foreign Affairs

This letter to Christian Pineau describes the proposed subordination of Euratom to the common market.

February 28, 1956

Draft minutes from Conference of Foreign Ministers of the ECSC on 11 and 12 February 1956

These minutes include discussions of a new system to bring widespread technical renewal of European industry.

November 13, 1956

Draft Minutes of the Conference of Foreign Affairs of the Member States of the ECSC on 20 and 21 October 1956

This document details discussions which took place during the Conference of Foreign Affairs between members of the ECSC in regard to extending their integration.
