April 15, 1977
Informational Note on the Meeting of the Representatives of International Departments of Six Fraternal Parties
Informational Note on the Meeting of the Representatives of International Departments of Six Fraternal Parties
On the initiative of the International Department of the CC CPSU, on April 14, 1977, a meeting took place in Moscow of the representatives of CC International Departments of the CPSU, PUWP, SED, CPCz, HWSP, and BCP. The following comrades took place in this meeting: V. V. Zagladin, O. B. Rakhamnin, G.H. Shanazarov, V.S. Shaposhnikov, P. Markovsky, B. Mahlov, M. Stefaniak, J. Berech, D. Stanishev, and K.I.Zarodow. B. Sujka and S. Szafarz represented the PWUP.
The main topic of the conversation was the upcoming conference devoted to the discussion of the “Problems of Peace and Socialism” (Prague, April 26-28, 1977). Other current issues pertaining to the international communist and workers' movement…etc. were also discussed.
Comrade Rakhmanin brought up a series of issues related to the China question. While stressing that he was presenting only preliminary assessments, he pointed to a series of worrisome phenomena, as well as the need to react to them “in our own joint interest.” The main point is the expansion of the Chinese industrial-military complex which is intensively aided by the West. These are the first signs of China's departure from the concept of “a people's war” (and thus defensive) in the name of the military offensive concept. They are even saying in China that a new war could break out around 1980. In sum, the Soviet comrades do not see any changes in China's great-power policy which works in tandem with the “cold war” front of reactionary forces (for example M. Thatcher's visit, etc.). In China, they are still using the argument of “the threat from the North” and the USSR as “the enemy no. 1”, while at the same time they are increasing China's military potential on the borders with the Soviet Union.
The Chinese leadership continues to conduct a differentiation policy toward socialist countries, an act which requires that we all the more strengthen our united front. The CC CPSU is of the opinion that we need to intensify our counter propaganda against China. The Soviet comrades will send us informational notes regarding this issue. In the near future, there will be fundamental articles and studies on Chinese issues printed in the Soviet press, especially in Pravda, Izvestia, and Komunist. The Soviet comrades are asking that we reprint them in our press and increase the number of such articles in our countries so they can be reflected in the Soviet press.
Comrade P. Markovsky informed that the next meeting of fraternal parties on China (“Interkit”) will be held in Berlin on June 15-16 of this year. These dates were approved.
The CC PUWP International Department
Warsaw, 15 April, 1977
The CPSU, PUWP, SED, CPCz, HWSP, and BCP met to discuss an upcoming conference devoted to the discussion of the “Problems of Peace and Socialism.” China was another focus of the meeting, particularly the implications of the expansion of its industrial-military complex.
Associated Places
Subjects Discussed
- China--Domestic policy
- Communist countries--Internal relations
- Czechoslovakia--Foreign policy
- International communist movement
- China--Foreign relations--Germany (East)
- Soviet Union--Foreign policy
- Poland--Foreign relations
- Germany (East)--Foreign policy
- Bulgaria--Foreign relations--Communist countries
- China--Foreign policy
- China--Foreign relations--Soviet Union
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