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November 15, 1956

CDS Report No. 24 from Choi Duk Shin to the President (Syngman Rhee)

Choi Duk Shin offers his views on the crises in Hungary and the Middle East, urges President Rhee to organize immediate action against communist countries, and reports on Vietnamese domestic affairs including the recent typhoon and the continued Chinese minority debate.

March 27, 1957

Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League Third Annual Conference: Speeches and Reports

Remarks from delegates across Asia, including Ngo Dinh Diem, attending the Third Annual Conference of the Asian Peoples' Anti-Communist League in Saigon, Vietnam.

June 5, 1957

Radio Free Europe Coverage of Imre Nagy Reviewed

An International Organizations Division (IOD) officer in the CIA critically reviews treatment of Imre Nagy in RFE Hungarian broadcasts in October-November 1956

March 18, 1957

Views of Ambassador Wailes on Hungarian Situation

Ambassador Edward T. Wailes and Hungarian Embassy DCM Leonard Meeker brief International Organizations Division (IOD) officers on Hungarian developments and their appraisal of Radio Free Europe's role in late 1956

October 25, 1956

Policy Considerations for Radio Free Europe Broadcasts

A CIA/International Operations Division official recommends policies to guide RFE broadcasting to Hungary during the revolution.

October 25, 1956

Guidance for Radio Free Europe Broadcasts

CIA/International Operations Division guidance for Radio Free Europe at the outset of the Hungarian Revolution calls for extensive use of President Eisenhower’s September 23 statement on maintaining the spirit of freedom and for caution in pre-judging Imre Nagy.

July 22, 1954

US Government Policy for Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty

An annex to the Operations Coordinating Board (OCB) “169 Study” on U.S. international communications reviews the goals and effectiveness of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty.

April 5, 1990

CPSU CC Protocol #184/38, 05 April 1990

This document concerns the meeting of the Politburo on the international division of the CPSU CC.

June 24, 1957

Minutes of the Meeting of the CPSU CC Plenum on the State of Soviet Foreign Policy

The Soviet leadership discusses the state of Soviet foreign policy after the Hungarian crisis and Khrushchev’s visit to the US. Molotov criticizes Khrushchev for recklessness in foreign policy direction. Soviet inroads in the Middle East and the Third World are analyzed. The effects of the crises in Eastern Europe are placed in the context of the struggle against US imperialism.

June 15, 1961

Telegram from the vice-minister of foreign affairs of Albania, Vasil Nathanalili, to the Albanian embassy in Budapest

The person-in-charge of the Hungarian embassy in Tirana informed Vasil Skorovoti, the Albanian diplomat in the Albanian Foreign ministry, that the Hungarian government wants to consult with the friendly governments of the socialist camp on the proposal to have the same stance on the non-aligned countries conference. The Hungarian government does not approve of the conference, but it thinks that the divisions among the non-aligned countries should be exploited by the socialist bloc in order to change the character of the conference to one of anti-imperialism and anti-colonialism. The Hungarian government wants to know the Albanian government’s stance on this issue. The Albanian government asks the Albanian embassy in Budapest to gather information on this issue in order to respond to the Hungarian government as soon as possible.
