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January 11, 1962

From the Journal of S.M. Kudryavtsev, 'Record of a Conversation with Raul Castro, Minister of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Cuba, 16 December 1961'

Raul Castro discusses the enlargement of the Cuban army and navy and Cuba's aim to strengthen ties with Latin American countries in the wake of the upcoming OAS conference of ministers of foreign affairs.

August 12, 1984

Memorandum of Conversation between Polo Cintra Frías and Valentin Varennikov

General Polo Cintra Frías was the head of the Cuban Military Mission in Angola; General Valentin Varennikov was the third highest ranking officer of the Soviet Army.

August 1984

Cuban Talking Points for Conversation with General Varennikov, 'Consideraciones a los aspectos planteados por el general de ejército Varennikov, durante su visita a la RPA, agosto de 1984'

General Valentin Varennikov was the third highest ranking officer of the Soviet Army.

January 25, 1984

Memorandum of Conversation between Jorge Risquet and Valentin Varennikov

Jorge Risquet was Castro’s point man for Angola; General Valentin Varennikov was the third highest ranking officer of the Soviet Army.


Excerpts from "Calendar of Events in the History of the Sapper Branch of the People's Army of Vietnam (1967-1997)"

Translated excerpts from an official People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) publication which gives a timeline of events of the "Sapper Branch," the Vietnamese army’s commando/special forces troops. These excerpts discuss the Sapper's training of foreign commando forces from Cuba, El Salvador and the Soviet Union.


Excerpts from official Vietnamese "Sapper Handbook"

Translated excerpts from an official People’s Army of Vietnam (PAVN) handbook for the elite "Sapper" forces, Vietnamese army’s commando/special forces troops. These excerpts discuss the Sapper's training of foreign commando forces from countries such as Laos, Cambodia, Cuba, and the Soviet Union.

October 25, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to Cuba Alekseev to USSR Foreign Ministry

Alekseev comments on the general attitude of the Cuban people in regards to the blockade and mobilization of the Cuban army

October 23, 1962

Telegram from Soviet Ambassador to Cuba A.I. Alekseev to USSR Foreign Ministry

Alekseev transmits that Cuba’s army has mobilized and the subsequent affect on Cuba’s economy because of Kennedy’s recent speech. Cuba waits for the Soviet Union’s opinion on the recent events.